400 watt aero 6ft plant first grow 39 days flowering

Hey guys I have a 12 gallon res. With a 400 watt s.w. ballast veg. For 1 month and now for 52 days since I flipped the light. No LST or HST its 6foot this is my first grow. I'm using r.o water, supernatural bloom aqua, I have a 6in. Air stone directly below the roots I lifted out of the water the root ball is seriously is as big as a basketball. my heat it 79-81F, I have it in my closet and have a fan blowing across the light and another one on the bottom of the plant. The plant has stretch obviously an so will my buds be all fluffy and sh*t. They have alot white pistils except at the pistils at the internodes have turned brown and the calyz has swelled and the calyz have trichs and are starting to glisen (sp) when will my pistils change colors and it seems like there are not fat like you see on here. I have my ppm at like 1400!! So if the trichs are all over even leaf material how much approx. Do I got? I have a indica!!


Well-Known Member
some taller and heavy indicas may have up to 11 week flowering periods depending on strain. do you have any info on this strain?
No I don't really....I wish I could up load pictures with my galaxy s android. But I came in this morning and it seems like everything is getting really thick I put superleech in last night its the first time I fluhed this grow how bad is that?


Well-Known Member
You need to monitor/adjust your pH at least daily. Anything over 6.2 and you're heading for trouble. Also, replace nutes every 5-7 days. During last 10 days cut ppms down ~ 500


Well-Known Member
im gonna have to disagree with the 6.2 pH idea, theyd do fine under 6.7 or 6.8 and rainwater comes down as 6.4 pH as i remember. and id push ppm to the very last day of flower if your using organics, theres no proof that the last flush does anything. people like to believe its the last flush takes out more harmful nutrients but it doesn't matter because the plants been using the sames nutes to make those buds. imo go organic, nothing to worry about as far as burning goes. just one less problem in the grow room. and flush those plants asap if they keep acting up, use rainwater to flush preferably(it has good minerals and microbes, id flush it with rainwater after you fed it the past water since theres still nutes lingering in your soil. every 5-7 days is a little ridiculous though, nutes can sit in soil for up to a month and supply the plant.
I'm doing hydro....today I noticed a bunch of new white hairs none of them are changing colors....I went and got superleech cause I was using bud blaster in week 5 which is full of P and it can cause stretch in the buds. So I leeched it out for 24hours there seems to be more and more trichs showing up it looks like a diamond ring shinning no j/k but there is more and more development....oh I vegged it for 30 days. Its fucking huge me it seriously resembles a christmas tree to the fullest....but when can I expect change forthe pistils..


Well-Known Member
run that shit out man, force as much of the P and the K but flush them every water after you feed nutes, they last up to a month if theyre organic. and make sure you dont harvest till theyre getting crisp and leaves yellow, and try to post some pictures.
So I only need to change out my res. Every month?? I have tried on my android but it won't let me I'm so pissed!! It seems like its growing pistils out of places I can't even see....I have my ppm at 1237 no reason for the odd number just what it came out to using bloom aqua supernatural,R.O. water, 6in. Airstone, 400 watt hps and I vegged with 400 watt mh. So when I can't really tell where there coming from would that be considered the "bud forming" or "getting bigger" I checked my trich today with a 30x there all over and very cloudy...when cani expect the pistils to change?? The single calyz at the internode have swelled completely and pistils have changed color....they just continue to grow and its a indica bag seeds!!


Well-Known Member
shit i forgot your in hydro, if its an add water system im pretty sure you should just regulate pH and slowly add nutes. i dont think you necessarily have to switch the water ever but it might be a good idea when you really have to. and make sure your not giving them too much light time, but if your only in about day 41 by now i think youre on track. since its a bagseed you dont know its flowering time, so it could take anywhere from 60 to 80 days depending on the original strain. just be patient and keep feeding it, she'll get ressed up. and try to get it a little colder in your grow room maybe, some purple is always good and it makes the plant convert water to resin to keep from freezing.
Alright yeah its starting to get cold outside so the temps are dropping down to high 60's 66-72 wide range I know but...I look on here and my plant is so huge with so many lateral branches prolly atleast 26 its crazy....I'm just curious there is this single calyz on the internode its swelled up turned red but that's I the other pistils haven't bgan to loose size or change color is that because there still trying to grow my calyz before they start swelling???
Also one more thing will my flower time increase since its 6ft tall??


Well-Known Member
those are some good temps, they start to lose any lateral growth at 62 i think but that just means its working harder to make thc resin. dont let it get down to the low 20s though, i think they can really suffer when its close to freezing.

the hairs are always changing color, its a sign of maturing. if its a nice amber its getting close to flower, some people cut em when theres all white hairs for a body high, 50/50 for white and amber for a hybrid of body and mind or all amber for the real couchlock high. i run mine until theyre crispy and some of the leaves start to yellow although.

and it might take a little bit longer for the bottom branches to flower so harvest for the top bud might be sooner than you expect, if you cut off the top cola and leave a few bottom branches the remaining buds swell up, id only let it run for another 1 and half weeks but some people push 2 weeks.
Right on.....so I will harvest when the hairs are amber then not red?? I'm very confused cause the bud I smoke always has red hairs??
And another question to harvest the top half do I just cut the stock in half or I just cut off bud sites??
Hello anyone....I have a question about my pistils it has been week 8 weeks of 12/12. And the pistils haven't receeded back....but here is a interestin thing I did self polinate a branch and I got just one seed currently growing..will that effect my yield overall by "self pollinating" also I accidently broke a lower lateral branches and just. A couple bannanas. Near the internode where I b roke my......


Well-Known Member
do you have a hermie? its no use if it self pollinated, but if its good bud you might wanna keep some of the seeds if your desperate one day. keep it away from legitimate strains though, itll pollinate them. cut off the top bud now though if its getting crispy and the leaves are yellow. just cut it right off the plant and let the bottom branches grow. and wait till about the 9th week and really starve it of water, and maybe for the last two days leave it in a cold dark and arid place so it resins up.

post some pics and i might have more suggestions.
There is absolutely no other bannanas showing besides the ones I tore off (they were at the 5th and 6th internode on the main stock two nodes above the branch I snapped in half) and the leaves haven't yellowed (except a couple lower leaves on the 1st,2nd & 3rd nodes....I have a jewlerys lupe and the trichs arre still clear they do have caps on them so I will keep a eye on them....I guess they just don't seems to be fattening up....I use supernatural bloom aqua an I have the co2 pucks and they gave me a sample of bud blaster which is really high in P...when should I start using the bud blaster what signs will the plant show me to use it (as far as trich or pistils colors or what since all strains are different and this is bag seed so hard to determine flower time)


Well-Known Member
just add some bud blaster now, they need it. start with a small feed but next time double it and watch it by the hour for burns. push it for the last couple weeks until you see 80% amber/red/purple hairs, and 20% white hairs.
Ok sounds good I will.....what does that actually do the budblaster is it for lateral growth to make the bud sites longer or does it focus the growth on calzy size? What exactly will that type of burn look like? (Budblaster high in P?)


Well-Known Member
check tips for yellowish brown and flush if you see those colors. and pretty sure itll helps calyxs swell and maybe some lateral growth(not too much).