400 Watt CFL Grow- One LST Plant

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Today we are brewing up some tea for plant #2 which is deficient in N. Must get to the store and get a fresh bag of soil to.
We are also working on the stealth and ventilation of my grow space. We are also catching a buzz during the process so be ware the odd comments and bad spelling. What better to do on a LAZY sATURDAY AFTERNOON ...pics to follow as the day goes on

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
I would never argue that CFL is better than HPS. The advantages of CFL however, seem to be that the heat they generate is much less than a single HPS. If you have a 400watt hps in an enclosed space and it is making to much heat for you to dissipate to an acceptable temperature, removing the heat source, the bulb itself, is not practical...you cant grow. With CFL bulbs where you have many bulbs in your grow space, you can remove bulbs to help control heat and or move the bulbs to focus on a certain area of the plant or plants. This seems to work best for scrog, lst, and the like simply because of CFLs limited penetration of the canopy. With these training methods you get a flat canopy which maximizes the exposure of the entire plant under CFL. I got my 60 watt 2700 K bulb at Lowes I think for about $16. The 42 watters can be obtained just about anywhere you get light bulbs.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
I would never argue that CFL is better than HPS. The advantages of CFL however, seem to be that the heat they generate is much less than a single HPS. If you have a 400watt hps in an enclosed space and it is making to much heat for you to dissipate to an acceptable temperature, removing the heat source, the bulb itself, is not practical...you cant grow. With CFL bulbs where you have many bulbs in your grow space, you can remove bulbs to help control heat and or move the bulbs to focus on a certain area of the plant or plants. This seems to work best for scrog, lst, and the like simply because of CFLs limited penetration of the canopy. With these training methods you get a flat canopy which maximizes the exposure of the entire plant under CFL. I got my 60 watt 2700 K bulb at Lowes I think for about $16. The 42 watters can be obtained just about anywhere you get light bulbs.
I have used CFL because it is cheap and i wanted to prove to myself that I can get a helluva harvest....hopefully inspiring noobs like us on a budget. This is my third grow so I am no expert. During my first two grows I fussed and fidgeted and fucked up stuff by doing to much fiddling around. I like organic and use only nutes I know wont fuck up my plant, and will nourish it adequately even if I dont measure it out perfectly. Besides, the most important thing in organic is the soil and how much you use.

During my first two grows I did not pot up as I should have and the soil was spent before harvest arrived. What happens is the plant gets its nutrients solely from the feeding, gets root bound and then starts eating nutients from its own foliage to survive. You still get some bud, but the plant gets kind of bald as the lower foliage and fan leaves yellow out and die earlier to feed the buds. This also limits your harvest. I got about 7or8 grams dry from each of the plants in my first two grows when it could have been much more with training, adequate soil and proper feeding under CFL.

Here are some pics that demonstrate what I mean. This is my very first plant to reach harvest last winter. A bag seed female that hermied due to me stressing the bitch out. First, it grew into the bulb and burned the top. So leaves had to be cut back and trimmed. This stunted her growth. I fed her to early also. For the first 30 days of growth, good light, good soil and water are all they will need. Maybe throw some worm castings in the water during the third week or some fish ferts at half strength. Once you flip to 12/12 do not screw up the light cycle either. Lights out is lights out period. No light leaks. This plant gave 8 grams of seedy hermied bud but it was truly good indica smoke. Still far better than most average purchased weed.


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Looking Good OC.
I dont remember what strain you said it was?
Looks good whatever it is

Hey Joe! (Great Song LOL)

This was bag seed from last Xmas. It was way beyond my normal purchases in terms of taste and quality. A total mistake on my supply guys part. I call it Hot Stuff!...two hit shit. Anyway I think its a hybrid leaning toward sativa rather than indica. The leaves were not wide nor enormously long & lanky and the buds are longish rather than squatty clusters so its just a guess.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Defenitly looks dank. lucky you in a month.

I'm getting ready to harvest and I'm not that excited.
The buds smell like cat piss. lol I sampled some yesterday and It got me high pretty good.

i just started some White widow and now all I want is some absolute fire weed. And yeah I'll have pot but I wont have that tasty Beaster weed for a while.

Did you clone that "Hot Stuff"

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Defenitly looks dank. lucky you in a month.

I'm getting ready to harvest and I'm not that excited.
The buds smell like cat piss. lol I sampled some yesterday and It got me high pretty good.

i just started some White widow and now all I want is some absolute fire weed. And yeah I'll have pot but I wont have that tasty Beaster weed for a while.

Did you clone that "Hot Stuff"
Yes I did. Five total. Two didnt make it, two are still rooting and the first one taken was potted up this afternoon and put into the easy bake oven.

I got a few White Widow seeds in my stash. Some Blueberry Kush and some Hash Plant seeds also. The BBK in my second grow was a dissappointment. Real solid little nugs, great high, but the yield was piss poor and taste was a bit harsh. The HP was fragrant, dank and tasty. I got a bunch of these for later once I get this little system totally together. I also have my first F1 crosses but the bitch of it is it may be BBxHP. Possibly the BBxBB crosses I made will be better yielders. Shit, I may germ some of these now for my next round and hope for the best.:weed::lol:

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Six Weeks today in 12/12! I unleashed the beast for a few days, letting all branches loose from LST. Tomorrow some pics of the new pipe cleaner LST....easier on the plant and easy to adjust. Had to spreaD HER OUT....so the undergrowth can get some light for the last few weeks. I confess, I cut one to dry.....just for testing purposes of course!


Old Coot

Well-Known Member
The deed is done, drying on racks and stinking up the closet nicely. About three oz total, wet weight, from one plant using CFL. She was not watered the last week so water weight loss shouldnt be to bad but I wont project final weight until I have it.

