400 Watt HPS Grow - Top 44 from Cannabisseeds.com


Active Member
Hello I am going to write a journal for my first grow ever. Hopefully everything turns out well! I plan on vegging them in my veg box till they reach a height of about 6", then I am going to transfer them into my flowering area which is 4x4 feet.

Vegging - A bunch of CFL's
Flowering - 400 Watt HPS Light

I am really low on money so I bought some cheap nutes from canadian tire for about $6.99 each. Do you think these will be fine?

Vegging Nutes- Plant-Prod All-Purpose Plant Fertilizer, 20-20-20

Flowering Nutes-
Plant-Prod Flowering Plant Fertilizer, 15-30-15

Apparently seeds on the site I bought them from are sometimes not what they are claimed to be. But we'll see how it goes.

8 Feminised Top 44 Seeds

In about a week I will be receiving..
1 x Bigbud/White widow Feminised
2 x Top 44 Skunk Regular

Grow Medium:
Hillview Soil, a perfect blend of peatmoss and soil.

Seeds were germinated using the paper towel method, then I transfered them into the soil root down.

Day 2:

Top views of growbox & plants

Picture of the first seed that broke soil

4X4 Foot Flowering area - I plan on putting up mylar on the walls, and making the area as light proof as possible.

Picture of 400 Watt HPS, its not attached to any reflector or anything. Any ideas on how I can hang it horizontally on my plants?

* I am currently using my cell phone camera, I will get a better camera in a few days!


Active Member
haha i love that song.

hey one question, when you place the germed seed into the soil. How long does it usually take for it to break soil? So far Ive only got 1 after a 48 hour period


Well-Known Member
up to a week, i put them on wet paper towel, then when they pop i put them in coco....or soil


Legal Moderator, Esq.
cannabisseeds.com has an awful reputation. They seem like they are just some random people who grew a ton of plants and mail out seeds. I've heard the germ rates are terrible but at that price, it makes it the scratch off ticket version of a seed bank. You may have gotten a bad bunch of beans. Usually I use the 24 hours in a shot glass then wrap them in paper towels and fold the towels, place in a paper cup with the seeds midway up in the towel and about an inch of water and leave in the dark for 4-5 days. By then the tap root is long enough they pop rather quick. Dunno how you germ'd them but planting them with a tiny peak out tap root will take longer than one with a half to full inch root, obviously.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
also check the nutes and make sure they don't have chlorine in them, I've seen some cheap nutes that are heavy on chems that your girls won't like.


cannabisseeds.com has an awful reputation. They seem like they are just some random people who grew a ton of plants and mail out seeds. I've heard the germ rates are terrible but at that price, it makes it the scratch off ticket version of a seed bank. You may have gotten a bad bunch of beans. Usually I use the 24 hours in a shot glass then wrap them in paper towels and fold the towels, place in a paper cup with the seeds midway up in the towel and about an inch of water and leave in the dark for 4-5 days. By then the tap root is long enough they pop rather quick. Dunno how you germ'd them but planting them with a tiny peak out tap root will take longer than one with a half to full inch root, obviously.
Can you give more detail on your germination method or give me a name or link to where I can find it explained more thoroughly?

"24 hours in a shot glass" Does the shot glass have water in it? Where do you place it? In dark, light, doesn't matter?

"Then wrap them in paper towels and fold the towels, place in a paper cup with the seeds midway up in the towel and about an inch of water and leave in the dark for 4-5 days. By then the tap root is long enough they pop rather quick."

Wrap them in dry paper towel? Fold them how? An inch of water in the bottom of the cup so that the towel can soak it up?

Thanks in advance for more guidance on this method. It sounds intriguing to me.