400 Watt HPS Multitap Industrial Hibay Fixture


Well-Known Member
There is an auction going on that has 400 Watt HPS Multitap Industrial Hibay Fixture for $65 a pop.


I'm thinking of getting a few of these to try out for my first grow and to use as backup lights when I eventually get better ones. Was just wondering what your thoughts may be on these.

I know specific bulbs are made for universal mounts while others are made to burn only vertivally or upright. At this cost, I might take one apart and make a horizontal light with a cool tube and reflector with a quality Agro bulb.

Just want to see what some of you more experienced ones think about this light.


Well-Known Member
It kinda depends on the room shape and size. A circular light will give you an even pattern, meaning the room would have to be square or circular shaped with even dimensions. Also, they dont really specifiy on the type of bulb. I guess if you are going to buy your own it doesnt matter. I personally would recommend spending an extra $50 or so and buying a grow light from htgsupply.com or something.


Well-Known Member
that would work great if you have the height, if not it can be easily modified to keep the ballast appart from the rest of the unit!


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking mobby. Take it apart and make a pyrex glass cool tube and go to town! At this price I might pickup a couple and pop for a 100 watter down the road.