400 watt Mh/ Hps cooltube 3-6 plant grow!!!


Active Member
Why 6 days of darkness?
Ive heard of 48 hrs, which should be sufficient in shocking the plant into flowering (if thats what youre aiming for)
I think 6 days is too much, you could come back to a bunch of dead plants or stunt their growth at least. I had a friend that had a ballast go out the the flowering plants were left in darkness for a week and got taken over by spidermites,
be careful anyway aha ive tried the shocking trick and it only increased flowering time by like a week, not worth the shock imo

nvm I see that are you leaving, why not get a timer? water the plants really good and they should be fine for 6 days..
Why 6 days of darkness?
Ive heard of 48 hrs, which should be sufficient in shocking the plant into flowering (if thats what youre aiming for)
I think 6 days is too much, you could come back to a bunch of dead plants or stunt their growth at least. I had a friend that had a ballast go out the the flowering plants were left in darkness for a week and got taken over by spidermites,
be careful anyway aha ive tried the shocking trick and it only increased flowering time by like a week, not worth the shock imo

nvm I see that are you leaving, why not get a timer? water the plants really good and they should be fine for 6 days..
Well, I'm half way across the country right now from my grow and I don't want to leave it on the timer for a week without anyone watching them, huge fire hazard!...

I dont WANT to leave it in darkness for 6 days but my roommate has to come back due to family issues (grandfather just passed yesterday) :'(

So its just one of those situations where I hope for the best but can't do anything about it, his family is much more important than some plants we can just start over if need be
Well, my flight got canceled and I wont be making it back till the 5th, so I figure they will be dead or close to it when I return

If they aren't salvageable we will just buy 4-6 clones from a local shop and throw those into flowering.

Hope every ones holidays were great

Have a good one RIU

Just got back and honestly ITS NOT THATTTTTT BAD!

I will be posting pictures tomorrow but overall....

The clone was pretty much unaffected by the no light for 10 days, some of the random bagseeds didnt do so well and the skywalker is pretty much fine too....

the sour is pretty fucking wilted but I believe I can salvage this, get them back to normal standing hopefully in 1 week and switch those gals to flowering!
Alrightyyy like I said going to try to nurse them back from 1 week! Here we go!

20140102_205659_LLS.jpg little bonus picture of the snow I took while home.
20140106_150221.jpg20140106_150233.jpg20140106_150241.jpg the 3 random bagseeds.... the one of the furthest left is pretty fugged up sadly :(
20140106_150246.jpg20140106_150254.jpg20140106_150259.jpg here we have (from left to right) Skywalker, whos doing pretty darn well if you ask me, the sour dream, not so hot, pretty messed up on all accounts, and the clone, bubba kush, not terrible at all

I'll be posting the next update on the 10th most likely, hopefully we can turn things around!

If not the plan is just going to be bin them and just buy a bunch of clones and just switch to flowering

From that point idk if you guys want updates I would like to know

But if not i'll see you guys after that when I start up the next grow!


Active Member
Wow. You really did a number on those baby's.:o IMO I would not prune them like that. At least till they get bigger. I top once around 2-3 weeks. Do not feed them for the first 3-4 weeks depending on the mix your using. Let the roots get established and use whats in the soil. To much nutrients are toxic for young plants.
Yeah I didnt start the nutes until around 4 weeks

I didn't do any pruning to the 3 random bag seed

The clone, I did what I had to do because If you see from when I got it, that girl was really weak and messed up

The sour dream, you are totally right, I could have gone about that a lot better but it actually started filling out amazingly and then I had to leave, sadly I could not see the topping and pruning come together :( ( it was going to be amazing)

Lastly the skywalker, I didnt top until almost 4 weeks, shes super tall good node spacing and the tops as well were coming along great....

Its sad it all had to come to such a stop when everything was finally coming together..

As for the soil, it is a homemade mix, I gave it time to run its course 4 weeks about, then I started with the slight bits of nitro booster which they loved.
damn bro, what happened!!?!?!... ill go back and read to see. I jumped from page 1 to 3 like wtf happened lol
Yeah nothing due to me just not knowing what I was doing. I just had to leave the state for an extended period of time and I didn't want to leave HID lighting on a timer when across the country and no one to check up on the garden.
Well I threw 2 of them away, 1 bagseed another being the sour dream :'(


The others are actually recovering a little bit and looking slightly better so we will see what happens in 2 days
1 bagseed was male, the other female, but she is suffering so much. struggle to even stay alive still.

The skywalker for sure is a female as well :3

Sorry for not updating still, tonight for sure it will happen
Hey, long time no see RIU, wanted everyone to know I will be picking the Pre 98 bubba on the 28th :D
Will get some pictures up. Despite the lack of nutes and all the problems this is going to yield about 2 oz I'd say of some high quality stuff.
The skywalker is smelling AMAMAMAMAMAMAZING
My goodness it smells soooo fruity its fantastic I can not wait for that girl to finish up