----400 watt mh/hps grow- LA CHEESE / BLUE VENOM / SLH / PINEAPPLE HINDU KUSH----


Well-Known Member
sup maz!!! :blsmoke:

just wanted to drop an update bomb on ya, hope you dont mind. i made an LST screen with some scrap lumber and twine and thought it was not too bad for something i threw together. thought you might appreciate it.

also after i put the screen up i did some pruning underneath to a few of the plants. i ended up cutting 23 assorted clones and stuck them in some rapid rooters. i dont have any rooting compound so theyre just gonna have to re-root the old-fashioned way. ill treat them with some tea in a few days and that should help them along. i figure at least some of them will root and be nice looking clones. anyway ill keep you posted on how many of the clones are successful and you're more than welcome to have some... fukin seed hater. LOL!!!

:!:clone breakdown:!:
1- Grapefruit Haze
4- Yumboldt
8- Casey Jones
10- Blue Dream

heres the latest pic (8/10)

last week (8/2)

2 weeks prior (7/20)

dont mean to hijack ur thread. just wanted to share in the good timezzzzz :sleep:

peace out my bleached nigga :bigjoint:

mr. bondizzie in da hizzie


Well-Known Member
sup maz!!! :blsmoke:

just wanted to drop an update bomb on ya, hope you dont mind. i made an LST screen with some scrap lumber and twine and thought it was not too bad for something i threw together. thought you might appreciate it.

also after i put the screen up i did some pruning underneath to a few of the plants. i ended up cutting 23 assorted clones and stuck them in some rapid rooters. i dont have any rooting compound so theyre just gonna have to re-root the old-fashioned way. ill treat them with some tea in a few days and that should help them along. i figure at least some of them will root and be nice looking clones. anyway ill keep you posted on how many of the clones are successful and you're more than welcome to have some... fukin seed hater. LOL!!!

:!:clone breakdown:!:
1- Grapefruit Haze
4- Yumboldt
8- Casey Jones
10- Blue Dream

heres the latest pic (8/10)
View attachment 1729104

last week (8/2)
View attachment 1729102

2 weeks prior (7/20)
View attachment 1729103

dont mean to hijack ur thread. just wanted to share in the good timezzzzz :sleep:

peace out my bleached nigga :bigjoint:

mr. bondizzie in da hizzie
bondfizzle, i like man, i like...good lookin out on the clones bro, ive always liked blue dream, have u budded any casey jones yet?..i see they always have that strain but havent flowered it myself...i dont mind you hi jacking the thread its all good bro, reading is reading....
so i have a question ive always been curious about with LST, so i get the whole concept and know how to do it but WHEN exactly would u switch to 12/12 when LSTing, cause i the plants stretch during flower so do you wait till only barrrrely the tops are through the screen???..

anyways i have an update of my own, i woke up early this morning just to water everyone of the seedling with 1/4 strength flora nova VEG nutrients just to see if it speeds up the growth rate due to the higher nitrogen added...7-4-10 on the NPK....to be hionest they didnt need to be watered but i watch the overwatering so doing a little overwater this 1 timne will be ok and i wont water for like 4 days probably, i really soaked em for once...lets wait n see


Well-Known Member
Bond is a wild mo fo lol. He cracks me up. Ill take a yumboldt lol. Maz I hope That small shot cranks em up a bit without any burns. I think they'll be alright tho.


Well-Known Member

ok so i go to the gym 3-4 times a week and there is a particular gym i like to hit up on my motorcycle thats farther away but a great ride on the bike...so yesterday i had a great workout, drank the pre workout boxed, jogged, dips,pullups, legs,even took a spiining class...2.5 hours, straigh exhausted...so before i left i hit up the sauna, right??.,...so as i walk in there is this guy mike who is always there and this really really cute nose pierced, lip pierced, arm sleeved, blonde girl talkin with him about "splitting lanes",keep in mind im all sweaty and pumped up and fully tattooed as i walk in myself...so it takes me a second to realize but they are talking about motorcycles and riding on the freeway i presume...and when i say cute im not talking "oh id hit it", like this girls was fuckin sexy, the whole deal, she had it goin on, bangin body too. so i kinda butt in and i say, "oh you ride motorcycles?"...shes like yea i have a suzuki streetbike, (which i must say is pretty fuckin hot)...she asks me if i do and i say yea, my blue kawasaki is parked out in the parking lot....anyways, make a long story short, we chop it up for a few, just small talk, she takes off and so do me an mike and i shower really quick and just think, man she was a cutie... anyways, i take off and i as i go out to the parking lot, theres a note on my seat,
"hit me up, lets ride, kate 714-###-####"....at this point im like damn, we all know if a girl gives you her number its not to just ride motorcycles, shes obviously interested as well...heres my problem tho, i have a gf but damn this bitch was fuckin fine..and i didnt wanna be rude so i had to throw out a text last night and tell her, "hey thanks for the note yo!.. :-) yea im def down to ride, let me know but we should probably invite the rest of the squad since my GF wouldnt be too thrilled about the solo motorcycle ride with the hot tattooed girl from the gym,LOL"...and she replies with "oh bummer about you havin a girl, oh well, riding is still super fun,im still down to go this saturday if ur not busy. it was really nice to meet you" ..what to do team??????...no fuckin assface stoner answers either, im serious, LOL,


Active Member
IMHO - Go for it, why drink box wine when you can have some don. Same interests, gym, bikes... Besides a ride wont hurt your current relationship. Fate is working in your favor, this may be the one, or not. You will never know unless you go for it. Dont regret this.


Well-Known Member
That is quiet the dilemma bro. here's my take. I never have much luck with the female species lol but I'd take a hot Latina chick over a blonde biker chick. anyday. U never kno what the biker chick is like and u kno what ur girl is like. If u and ur girl now have love, respect for each other, happiness, & she take care of u why change a thing. I mean this blonde chick knows every dude drools overr her so she may end up being a bia bia. I'm sure ur girl wouldn't mind all yall going riding but I wouldn't chance fuckn up ur relationship. I'm old fashioned I guess cause I hate any kind of cheater but remember karma is a bitch and its hard to find a good woman these days.


Well-Known Member
That is quiet the dilemma bro. here's my take. I never have much luck with the female species lol but I'd take a hot Latina chick over a blonde biker chick. anyday. U never kno what the biker chick is like and u kno what ur girl is like. If u and ur girl now have love, respect for each other, happiness, & she take care of u why change a thing. I mean this blonde chick knows every dude drools overr her so she may end up being a bia bia. I'm sure ur girl wouldn't mind all yall going riding but I wouldn't chance fuckn up ur relationship. I'm old fashioned I guess cause I hate any kind of cheater but remember karma is a bitch and its hard to find a good woman these days.
you know what nature, your fuckin right man....i knew i could depend on you bro...CATFISH, lol, you and i think alike but nature has a good point, nature has heard me talk about my lady and yes, she is a very very good looking sexy latina girl, long black hair, thin frame, 115 pounds 5'6", full time school full time work, smart, funny...everything..id post her pic but thats not really that cool you know,LOL.its just that you know how it is big dog, things get a tiny bit repetitious and u wanna stick it in somewhere new every now and then, but ur right...thats not cool. i shouldnt be like that, LOL, plus i know myself, if i go out with this chick and have a drink, i can 110% guaranteee you well end up having sex. alcohol, attraction and i have some pretty mean conversation skills,shell be laughing and smiling within minutes... thats a recipe for disaster.ill just tell her i cant make it, she seems chill, im sure shes got some other dudes who are down to go....but man, if u guys would have seen her though, what a notch to add to the belt,LOL,... you sound like a good guy nature, good advice.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I try to be at least. I can be an evil son of a bitch too tho lol. My g-ma is the foundation of my morals, so I was taught right for sure. u made the right call imo man, ur gf now sounds like my dream girl! Lol. Gotta have mad respect for a woman workn full time and at school full time. I kno repetition sucks at times but couldn't it be our own fault that it gets that way??? I was always told, Temptation is the devils right hand sent to make a mockery of ur judgement. My bad man, I had to break a small bud off the g13 saturday and I'm fuckn RIPPED lol.


Well-Known Member

im pleased to say that i think i notice a measureable difference by adding 1/4 strength nutrients (flora nova VEG 7-4-10).... the super lemon haze now has a total of 5 leaf sets and considerable yet small branches growing out in between the sets as well, the 4 seedlings are doing great and they finally look like they are allllmost mature enough to start the faster growth rate associated with vegetative state rather than seedling...so im pretty pumped up...ill take pictures tomorrow since im about to get picked up for a BBQ party at the park with some live band and drinks with the GF....see you alligators later....


Well-Known Member

im pleased to say that i think i notice a measureable difference by adding 1/4 strength nutrients (flora nova VEG 7-4-10).... the super lemon haze now has a total of 5 leaf sets and considerable yet small branches growing out in between the sets as well, the 4 seedlings are doing great and they finally look like they are allllmost mature enough to start the faster growth rate associated with vegetative state rather than seedling...so im pretty pumped up...ill take pictures tomorrow since im about to get picked up for a BBQ party at the park with some live band and drinks with the GF....see you alligators later....
hey maz,

nice job on adding the low-strength nutes. the small branches you see growing out is a good sign i'd say. "for every leaf there is a root attached"... the roots are blowing up and like you said theyre about to kick into that faster growth rate. keep feeding them that light and they'll explodeeee... one trick i use to keep the internodes short is to try and maintain optimum PAR (photosynthetically active radiation, basically a light measurement over distance for plants). ive found that as long as you can keep them cool, and it seems like you can, then this helps them stay short and stocky. since you are using a 400w MH right now, your optimum PAR distance would be, at minimum, 5" from the bulb (based on an estimated calculation of your lamp being 36,000 lumens). If your lamp outputs more lumens then 36K, then the optimal distance will likely be farther. get that puppy dialed in and the foilage will be a jungle in no time. woo wooooooooo!!!

cheers bagel snatcher
mr. bond


Well-Known Member

hey guys just a smnall update to let everyone know i still ownb a camera,LOL...everything is going very good and all the 4 PHK seedlings have picked up speed, the SLH seedling is now in full veg mode and everyone is ultra healthy, no stretching, no leaf curl, no cupping, no brown leaf tips, nothing... every fan leaf is like a little rigid spear pointing straight out, very nice...as of right now 3 of the PHK seedlings are still kinda small but slowing getting bigger, the other phk (pineapple hindu kush) seedling in noticeably bigger than the other 3, for some reason im thinking that he might be male, but who knows...the slh (super lemon haze) is doing great and striving to get bigger, im impressed....so heres the pics the top center is slh and the phk i think might be male is directly to the right of the slh...enjoy!HPIM1424.jpgHPIM1427.jpgHPIM1425.jpgHPIM1428.jpgHPIM1423.jpgHPIM1426.jpgHPIM1429.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro. Looks to be growin great. Man I been thinkn, even if u flower at like 10" those babies will have at least 10 internodes, so thatd be 20 secondary branches, 1 main cola = a TON of fuckn bud man lol. I think they're mostly gonna be short and bushy bitches


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro. Looks to be growin great. Man I been thinkn, even if u flower at like 10" those babies will have at least 10 internodes, so thatd be 20 secondary branches, 1 main cola = a TON of fuckn bud man lol. I think they're mostly gonna be short and bushy bitches

i think so too big dog, that light is real close, i dont see any stretch at all....i think if they were to grow any tighter they would be TOO bushy honestly. everything is perfect and im stoked, maybe veg for like another 3 or so weeks and ill flower everyone, i want short little plants this time but i want them big enough to produce also...maybe like 10-15 inches tall and uill flower all 5


Well-Known Member

hey guys, just a small update, nuthin big, its been 2 days since the last one and i feel the plants have had a pretty big difference since i started adding a low dose of veg nutrients, everyone is still 110% healthy, green and strong...HPIM1431.jpgHPIM1430.jpgHPIM1432.jpg


Well-Known Member
Things r lookn great bro. Them bitches still need to hurry tho don't they?lol.
yes and no i think, the slh in the back is growing very fast and the pineapple kush closest to the bottom left is pretty big as well, the other 3 seedlings are picking up speed and im not as bummed as before, i grew from seed and it is what it is...im satisfied, the temp/humidity is perfect, the 400 MH is like 10 inches away, there is a fan gently blowing the leaves to make them dance and i have been giving them 1/4 strength nutes and just gave them a 1/2 strength dose about an hour ago, i honestly dont know what else i can do except sit back and relax....ill be flowering in no time, its allll good....about to go to a homies beerpong, BBQ, backyard party so i get to save a few bucks and have some fun with my homiues in about an hour so life is good.


Well-Known Member
I heard that bro. Me and some of my buddies r having a bonfire/smokeout lol. Yea man ull be flowerin em in no time. I'm thinkn bout cuttn the g13 sk tomorrow. A lil early but that sample bud buzz was AWESOME so I think now will be great. Maybe ill pull at least an o


Well-Known Member
Maz hey bro... looking mighty fine over there. a friendly suggestion, put your light closer homedog... now that they are getting established they'll want to use those new roots and get up to the light. No stretch yet but lets keep it that way!!! Even a few inches closer would be tremendous. 420 love!!!

mr. bond


Well-Known Member

hey team RIU, ive been trying to post as many updates as possible but since im just in veg stage i dont wanna bore everyone with pics of no buds and one inch growth increases, although im gonna post some pics today and if you compare with the pics from 2 days ago i posted i think you will, as well, see a considerable differnce...the most prevalent reason i wanna post tonight is actually a question...anyone who has heard me ramble on here knows that this is my first from seed grow, i buy clones usually and havent grown from seed since high school. with that being said id like some HELP PLEASE, so heres all the pics of the plants (the biggest 6 incher is the super lemon haze fem seed that is a few days older than everyone else, the other four are the pineapple hindu kush seeds i got from a friend that are NOT FEMINIZED, so heres my question... when can i throw these bad boys into flower and still get a someone decent yield, keep in mind i want small stocky plants this time so im not retarded and i know more veg=more bud but ive heard typically about 4 weeks or the hormones arent ready as they should be and then ive also seen 12/12 from seed threads and those fuckers get a huge ass 1 ounce nug off some of those plants...what do you guys think???...keep in mind that ill probably have a male or 2 off the 4 PHK plants anyways (especially the big one on the top left im thinking)....so even the smallest seedling has the TOP and 3 tinnnny internodes and 3 more that are trying to grow out...i figure im wayy too early still but maybe by this weekend???...you guys have seen how fast they grew in 2 days, im thinking by 5 or 6 more days can i mayyybe flower them?...all opinions/facts welcome...thanks team...


my hand and the cup are for size comparison....