My TNR started throwing out hairs after about 2 days, indian haze had hairs to start but is very slow to develop, and my KCxBrazil isn't giving me any signs of flowering after 4 or 5 days.
Sucks about the drug test. I just found out at my work they do random drug testing and I've been working there sine May. They have even tested the people who have been there for 10 years and are completely straight-laced. I hate working for old, narrow-minded people. They should call drug testing what it really is: Marijuana testing. Everything else is out of your system so fast that if a meth/coke head could actually give up the stuff they would pass the test no problem. Luckily stopping smoking is only hard if you have it around

I gave it up about 1.5 months ago to detox because I was tired of wasting my money without getting high. This job is seasonal, so I should be back to it around the end of October. Right about the time my Indian Haze will be ready to harvest
Will you have abstained long enough to pass your test? I wish I had picked up a pissanator back before they got shut down by the government. Then again you have to get clean pee to use with it. I had a buddy fill 2 visine bottles with pee from a friend of his who was clean when he got tested for parole. He hadn't smoked in nearly 3 months but kept failing the tests. I thought I was going to be tested for health insurance so I quite a long time ago. Tested myself at home after 1.5-2 months of not smoking and failed. Might be a good idea to get a home test and see if you are clean. Also drink nothing but water, and a lot of it, until the test, and do lots of cardio. I had another friend get clean in two weeks by just drinking water and doing spin classes.
Man I write a lot. Sorry about the life story.