400+Watts of cfls, Ch9 Green Bud, 1st Journal


Well-Known Member
Thank you once again for the tips. Although I have never grown an auto, I do know the basics about them. I was just wondering about ch9's auto compared to other autos, such as ak-47, Red Dwarf, etc. The thing is that I have to make some house repairs and will have to let some workers come inside. For this reason, I plan to finish my current crop, then make the repairs, and then begin growing once again. For this reason, I would like to include some autos in the mix when I begin again. Have you ever tried to grow or smoke ch9's auto?


Well-Known Member
been SO long since i've logged on last.
but looking very nice!
I'm running off now, but next time im on i'll post you my new ideas. Looking good tho mate! I'm back on the wagon.


Well-Known Member
plants looking good bro im going to jump in for the end for the end of this one. If you could swing by mine i have a big bud and mazar growing. trying to get some followers. plus rep for the good work. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Hey MightyS, glad to see you back around. On this grow I've got going, I still occasionally check your old grow journal for direction.:razz:

NormaJean1, I'm glad your here. All of us cfl growers can better help each other that way. I checked out your current grow and I must say, they are looking beautiful. I've never heard of Mazar, but I have always wanted to follow a Big Bud grow, so I'm hooked.:p

SmokeyMcPotJK, I got some pics coming up, but my GF doesn't seem to be feeling too hot.:( In fact......

I'm a little concerned about the bushier plant. I mentioned about two weeks ago about the smaller plant starting to lean a little at the top due to the weight of the cola. This is still going on, but it is not any worse and I don't think it will be anything to worry about. Now this same problem has begun on the bushy plant. The thing is, it's not just the top of the plant, but also many of the grow shoots, many of which should be able to stand up better then what they are because their buds are not that big. It's not so much the leaves, either, but the entire grow shoots. I don't see any other symptoms. I also don't believe that this plant is root bound. Does anyone have any ideas? This problem has been slowly getting worse over the last week and I notice no difference after I water or give fert. The worst of the problem can be seen in pic 2 (pic 1-5 are of this plant). This pic does not need to be turned sideways as the grow shoot is actually growing that way. Las week it was standing mostly verticle.

Pics 6-9 are of the other plant, which has been flowering for 60 days. Every plant I have ever grown has been indica or mostly indica and has been ready by this amount of time. I'm hoping it will be ready to chop within the next 2 weeks, but you know how sativas can be. Anyone have a guess?:peace:



Well-Known Member
Thank you much, Norma. I just wish I could see more red pistols and less white ones. The girls are definately taking their time. Now I truly understand what TheMightyS was going through a few months back.

I'm still concerned about the bushier plant. I cut, bent, and 'installed' some hangers to prop up some of the shoots that are sagging the most and one more to help support the main stem. It's like many of the stems just went soft on me. In my limited knowledge, I believe this can be caused by a lack of root space, too hot temps, or too much water. As I mentioned in my last post, I don't think the plant is root bound, at least it shouldn't be. The temps are 65-70 at night and 75-82 in the day. About 2 1/2 weeks ago I did increase the amount of water I was feeding it. I also increased the amount of N I was giving it in order to fight off some of the yellowing of the leaves. I've done this on other grows and never had any issue.

Since the plant has been flowering for nearly 7 weeks now I think I will back off from giving the extra N from here on out and maybe slightly reduce the amount of water I give as well. If anyone know anything that could help on the sagging stem/shoots issue then please have mercy. I'd hate to lose this plant after getting her this far. Hopefully I'm just freakin' out over nothing.-P

PS Batteries dead on cam--sorry but no pics.


Active Member
I dont know what that sagging thing is about. I wish I could help you. Other then the plant just being weak because it didnt have a fan blowing on it when it was growing up I havent heard of that. Still sexy just getting a little saggy as it gets old, lol. I hope you can just ride it out and get a good harvest. It looks like you will get some decent weight.


Well-Known Member
There is a 12 inch oscillating fan, set at high speed, blowing on my plants 24/7. I have had this fan on from the start of the grow. It's weird; one shoot may be sagging badly and another right next to it, with more bud, will be still standing proud. This is a new one on me. At least the plant still has good color and still seems to be growing.

The only thing I can possibly think of involves my ph tester, which is one of those cheap probe-types. It's not the most accurate, but it works. Anyway, just before all this began, when I stuck it in the soil of this plant on one occasion I think I might have damaged the roots. It seems to me if that was the cause then I should see droopy leaves as well, but that's not the case. Like I said, It's a new one on me.

I don't know what to do so, yeah, I'm just going to try to ride it out. I estimate the plant has another 3-4 weeks to go.-P


Well-Known Member
Mine kind of looks like that. It's definately the weight of the buds/leaves that's making the shoots sag, but they should stand up better. I got some batteries for my cam, I'll get a pic up pronto.


Well-Known Member
sounds good. yea the stems became real soft on those plants i dunno what happend to em it was weird. never could figure it out.


Well-Known Member
All right. I just took 3 pics of the same bud and from the same angle. In pic 1 I am using a probe to prop up the shoot and bud to where it should be. It's the bud on the leftmost of the pic. In pic 2 I am not proping it up, but it is being held up by a hanger. In pic 3 I unhooked it from the hanger, showing it as it is without support. Note that the other grow shoots around it have just as much bud, and they are standing fine. Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
so its only that branch. when mine fell down the branches felt and moved like cooked spaghetti do your branches feel soft and movable or are they still hardend up for the most part.


Well-Known Member
It's more than that one branch. I just focused on that one for the picture. It's most of the shoots at least a little, some much worse than others. Cooked spaghetti is right on. They are large enough, just soft.


Well-Known Member
i thought it was due to being underwatered but i dont think that was the problem. Your for sure there not root bound?


Well-Known Member
I sure don't think it's root bound. The pot is about 2 1/2- 3 gallons and the plant is about 2 feet tall. I have grown plants in the exact same pot for longer periods (including veg time) and they were not even close to being root bound. This plant is very vigorous, but geez. I guess I'll find out at harvest time but I'll be surprised if that's the case.

I'm almost ready to buy it that it might be from underwatering, but if that were the problem then I think I should see it perk up a bit during the hour or two after I water. It does not perk up. Lol I feel like a new father whose daughter has fallen into a mysterious coma.:confused::shock::-?:-|:cry::cuss::!::-(:wall::fire::o:eek::???::(:mad:


Active Member
I sure don't think it's root bound. The pot is about 2 1/2- 3 gallons and the plant is about 2 feet tall. I have grown plants in the exact same pot for longer periods (including veg time) and they were not even close to being root bound. This plant is very vigorous, but geez. I guess I'll find out at harvest time but I'll be surprised if that's the case.

I'm almost ready to buy it that it might be from underwatering, but if that were the problem then I think I should see it perk up a bit during the hour or two after I water. It does not perk up. Lol I feel like a new father whose daughter has fallen into a mysterious coma.:confused::shock::-?:-|:cry::cuss::!::-(:wall::fire::o:eek::???::(:mad:
Get a moisture meter for like 5 dolla or if you want to be creative put it an an analog scale...is it over watering? How often do you water? You water just until it pees a little from each hole ya? Are you using a different soil then usual? I feel like you have been doing this long enough to know how to water. Maybe its something else. I really have no clue man but I wish I did know so I can help ya.


Well-Known Member
The big girl is hanging in there. I usually start to flower my plants when they are about 8 to 12 inches tall. I let this one veg a little longer, and it is a very vigorous strain. I don't think I had any issues with this plant until the sagging began. Considering those facts, my best guess is that maybe the plant actually is getting rootbound. I really didn't think it could happen, considering the pot size and veg time. Since she has been in flower for 51 days and I don't have a larger pot, I'm just going to ride it out. I'll find out for sure if it's rootbound when I harvest her in 3-4 weeks. Despite her sagging, she is still beautiful to me.:smile:

The last 6 pics are of the other plant, now at 65 days. I'm glad I didn't give up on her when she was younger, after I screwed her up. Look at her now, despite me. She may not be the prettiest, but I learned a lot from her. I'll let the other plant go longer, but this ones coming down this week.-P

