What's up folks
Some SICC seeds
XXX - she is going to be a monster
Lower bud
Breeding Cab is looking good.
Some nice buddage you got going onGreat update SICC
i just love it when you post pics! that breeding chamber is SICC!
everything is looking meen and green sicc....like SB said, the breeding chamber is sicc....nice work dude....ganja
Props for breeding at all! Lol Everyhing looks TITS bro.
^hell ya.. i'd like to do some breeding one day.. shit's lookin gravy bro.. worrrrrrd.
I noticed a few posts back that you said to save the pollen and rub on 1 individual bud. Is that possible and then create seeds? If so does it increase the chances it will hermie?
No this wont increase chances of hermie.[QUOTE="SICC";5587459]Good lookin out Dub!
I noticed a few posts back that you said to save the pollen and rub on 1 individual bud. Is that possible and then create seeds? If so does it increase the chances it will hermie?
ive yet to have any edibles..last time i ate anything with cannabis in it was about 15 years ago...and it was "bud burgers"...not quite brownies...but did the job.never even had a special brownie batchSpeaking of ziplocks, I have brownies in mine at the moment. He he he
ive yet to have any edibles..last time i ate anything with cannabis in it was about 15 years ago...and it was "bud burgers"...not quite brownies...but did the job.never even had a special brownie batch