4000k-4800k Lumens 3 plants?

Madden NFL

Active Member
Is 4800k lumens enough for 3 plants? I have one under the light already and i have 2 germinating. Thanks for reading. :weed: also what is the temp suppost to be at? mine say 91.2 :S


Active Member
What is the length of your light bulbs? are they cfl, floros?
Temp should be 75-85 for a good reference point, so put a fan on that girl place it to blow across the top at the light, should cool things down.

Madden NFL

Active Member
It's CFL's and i just changed my location. Its no longer in my closet. =] oh and the length? Well its about 5 inches away from the seedling xd.


Active Member
If you place those bulbs right then yes you should have enough to veg 3 plants.... Flowering might be a different story, you can flower with them but wouldnt expect much yield. If I were you I would look into adding more bulbs, get some Y spliters and double up the bulbs, maybe even add another socket or three.


Active Member
4000k-4800k Lumens? As in 4000000 or 4800000 lumens (obviously not)? or 4000-4800 Kelvin(obviously so)? I'm with Reverof above. I do not know how many watts you are using but 4000-4800 are OK for all around (more like the 4000 are better suited as all around). When the plant is little, it benefits from lower kelvin ratings as does in flowering mode. You may use a single bulb to start all 3 of them off (I did 6 plants and 5 clones on 33 watts total) but growth will be slow and it will take much longer to get the size of plant you're aiming for. Don't confuse stretching with actual growth. It is a form of growth but not the kind you want. Anyway, 4300K is around dead center of the red/blue spectrum so go from there. In veg, you can do a 3 to 1 ratio of higher kelvin to lower kelvin lighting and reverse for flowering. Let's say you have 300 watts of total power, you want 200 of those watts to be between 3000K to 4000K and 100w of anything between 4500K to 6500K. Here is a wonderful chart of cannabis wavelength absorption (I'm not trying to sell this light. It just has awesome info on the chart):

I know were talking Kelvin but Nanometers in color spectrum is what we're really after. Kelvin is only the color of a hot surface and not the actual wavelength emitted by the light because lights emit various wavelengths but more or less in certain ranges. Hope this clears it up for you a lil bit.

Good luck friend

Madden NFL

Active Member
Well, I have 2, 23 watt, and 1 13 watt, I am gonna add more.. It's a very small space. There is only 1 plant atm the other ones im waiting to sprout and yes i think its 4800? because i looked up my bulbs.. and i added all of them up? Is that very little? lol idk o_O