400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Couple new pics, nothing new really.
Fungus gnat problem seems to be gone.
The Northern lights slowed down a bit, i'm sure the next watering when I give them nutes she'll blow up again.
Kindof curious though about these things on some of her leaves, its not all over her just on the top top fan leaves nearest the light.
Probably about 8-12 leaves have these markings, other than that it's fine. And the marking aren't crisp like dried out, it's still somewhat leaf like so i'm guessing its a deficiency.
Got a picture of the redbull too, gonna have to harvest soon! This baby is gettin big...
Shes in the corner of my tent and doesn't get ANY fan on her at all, but still is doing fucking great.
Gave her an extreme dose[2x as much as it says] of nutrients yesterday aswell, and still no nute burn but pistil explosion in return.
She went from about a foot tall with 1gal pot, to about 28 inches tall in a 3gal pot in about a week, week and a half.
She stopped growing once she got to the bottom of my light o.o



Well-Known Member
Weird... my cheese girls just started showing that same thing. I figured it was nute burn since upcurl means too much nutes and downcurl means not enough, but I could be wrong (going by what others have told me in my journal). Then again it could be your plants just using up everything in those leaves. In a day or so I would imagine those same leaves laying on the floor near your pot.

Your room looks like it's filling in nicely. Pretty soon we'll be some trimming fools.

edit: btw did you ever cut off some samples of the one close to being finished?


Active Member
Yeah, Dubbz is right man. I am coming up this week. Time to sample that Northern. Haha.

I will be my microscope with me. I should be up there sometime on Wednesday.

Ashley (my little sister) is having her birthday today so I will be up there tonight kicking it with her, you guys should come hang out. I will message you :} Plants look good sir!

Oh yeah, how was sushi?


Well-Known Member
SUSHI WAS BOMBBBB. Got drunk off sake like always, can't wait for the wifey to turn 21 in 2 months!
The burn hasnt progressed, and the leaves aren't dead. they are just yellow. I felt them with my fingers and they are still alive like leaves just a different color.
Just talked to my brother about it he said the plant might just be using sugars from the leaves and not to worry too much.
Not too sure about whats going on, but im not going to start worrying until it gets more serious.
Its only around the top colas of the plant, so i'm not second guessing it just using the sugars up for bud production. ehhh.

haven't sampled anything yet, going to wait as long as possible to sample anything and not too sure if they are even ready to be sampled.
i have to take the wifey to the dentist in about twenty minutes cause her toof is buggin the shit out of her, and its been bugging me cause shes waking up in the middle of the night with pain.
we should be done around 3 the latest i'm guessing.... but we might be immobile so if so you should come pick us up? ehhhhh? :]


Active Member
Uhhh. Nice first grow? Lol j/k. Just because I'm growing my sour jack doesn't mean I can't say ffffffuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk you back cuz u have maaad plants. Hahaha. Awesome lookin plants man. Sub'd but I'm sub'd to like 9other things and I'm on a cell phone (comp is broken :/) so I'll hit ya up.

Oh yea FFOF FTW lol


Well-Known Member
Just cut a bunch of shit off the dream, there were a ton of branches coming off the main chutes that had dying fan leaves and whatnot, a bunch of popcorn type nugs and the top of the branches I cut off, weren't even at canopy level or near.
Got a ton of dream samples, some northern samples, and some master bubba samples.
The master bubba is starting to kill itself, theres so much weight from all the nugs all the arms on the bubba are falling over.
The dream and bubba got water + nutes today and some molasses, the northern will be getting water tomorrow most likely.
camera was almost dead so only got this one picture :]



Well-Known Member
your dream has a month to go.. those popcorns could of turned into something :(.. the buds double nearly triple in size the last month .. o well hope its a good sample! Support the Bubba arms that are getting too heavy.. if its supported the buds will just keeeeep growing :)


Well-Known Member
Let me know how those bad girls smoke! I was gonna take some samples of mine but heard it stunts the growth of the other buds because the plant needs to heal. But hey, ur nugs are already cut so u mine as well enjoy it brotha!


Well-Known Member
If you guys saw where I cut these off you would understand, they were all under-developed and not getting any light at all, most of them had fan leaves that were dying so they were pointless to even have without fan leaves.
the picture probably looks deceiving, you guys gotta remember thats a 400W ballast, its not that big...
The parts I cut off I would of cut off anyways regardless if I wanted to smoke them of not

also, those are from 3 plants not just the dream, so i only took like 1 branch per plant really.


Well-Known Member
Also I woke up and the redbull was bending itself against the glass of my light from growing too much.
had to lower her down more, can't wait to harvest one of these plants so she can get in the spotlight.
also, the hindu kush is fucking blowing up, getting so fucking thick and actually greening out.
all her yellow leaves from veg and whatnot are all turning green like it's healing itself... and all the colas are nice and plump :]


Well-Known Member
If I pull an ounce off the redbull then I will say vegging is pointless and 12/12 is the way to go. I mean it's a monster of a plant, and its only been here since july 1st o_O
and I just tried some of the bud... wow for being so far down on the plant and looking like shit its not bad at all.
and for drying in like 3 hours...... and it's not finished? fuck! blown off my ass


Well-Known Member
Welcome to homegrown .. now imagine it lasting 3 times as long and tasting waaaayyy better.. thats what youll end up with :)


Well-Known Member
Heres an update on the seedlings!
Had slight problems since my bottled water turned out to be 8.0 PH.
one of the oaksterdams is taking the toll pretty hard, but it's recovering I think since I stabilized the water.
the silver skunk is doing the best when it comes to looks.
but I kindof like the oaksterdam that is doing good, for some reason o.o.
all the bagseed plants are doing well, one of them lost its beginning leaves and it still came through just fine.

Silver Skunk
Silver Skunk 19 days.jpgSilver Skunk 19 days-2.jpg

Oaksterdam #2 Lots of curling and shit going on here, but the new growth is coming in better, so i figure the problem will go away.
Oaksterdam #2 19 Days.jpgOaksterdam #2 19 days-2.jpg

Oaksterdam #3
Oaksterdam #3 29days-2.jpgOaksterdam #3 19 days.jpg

Rest of the bunch


Well-Known Member
your leaves are like that because you are over watering, get some drainage in the cups and dont water as often


Well-Known Member
your leaves are like that because you are over watering, get some drainage in the cups and dont water as often
I'm watering like every other day, since they are on 24/0.
I squishy the cup, if its dry I water.. and they have drainage, I think it might be the PH that is fucking up the first one.
I got these seeds from my brother, he made this strain and I told him about it.
He just replied that this strain is very fucking touchy and needs to be right or everythings going to be wrong.

but i'll take that into consideration, I might be overwatering as in using too much water when I water, i'll cut back.
thanks man!

and i'll have updates of the flowering girls soon, I was looking at my thread and how excited I was with the bubba not even showing pistils lol.
now I look at it, and its got fucking huge nugs.
weird, i'm growing medicine in my bedroom!


Scientia Cannabis
I think it's the strains as well, some strains are really touchy and can't take the slightest error.

How many holes do you have in the bottom though?
It's best to make extra ones :leaf:

Silver Skunk looks very symetric and nice btw ^^


Well-Known Member
Heres and update on all the mommas. Brought them out for pictures for you guys.
All of them are lookin reaaaaally good, even the redbull is looking fantastic.
The northern lights hasn't gotten any worse but still looks like a french fry, depressing but i'm guessing it wont effect it TOO much....
Day 40 I believe for the mommas of flowering.
I've also decided the redbull is about 2 weeks along into flowering, so i'm going to go from there.

Northern Lights
NorthernLightsDay40Flower (7).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (5).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (1).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (4).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (6).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (8).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (3).jpgNorthernLightsDay40Flower (2).jpg

Master Bubba, look at the color!!!
MasterBubbaDay40Flower (7).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (5).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (1).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (4).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (9).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (6).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (8).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (3).jpgMasterBubbaDay40Flower (2).jpg

Desert Dream :]
DesertDreamDay40Flower (7).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (5).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (1).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (4).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (6).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (8).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (3).jpgDesertDreamDay40Flower (2).jpg

Hindu Kush :]
HinduKushDay40Flower (1).jpgHinduKushDay40Flower (4).jpgHinduKushDay40Flower (3).jpgHinduKushDay40Flower (5).jpgHinduKushDay40Flower (2).jpg

Redbull :]
RedbullDay14Flower (3).jpgRedbullDay14Flower (1).jpgRedbullDay14Flower (2).jpg