400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Also, I checked all the girls trichomes just to be sure, everythings clear.
There is some yellowing going on, on the leaves coming out of the nugs on the NorthernLights, if that makes sense.
Probably just showing signs of lack of nitrogen?
Master bubba is getting deep deep purple color formation on the leaves and all the calyx's and is very very very dense and pokey.
Desert dream seems like shes a little short on bloom, which was expected.. having some darker green outlining on the leaves a little bit.
Wondering if I should just add a little bloom nutes to the next watering, or should I stick to just water and then the following after add more bloom?
All is well otherwise, other than me dropping my T5's on my seedlings and bending one of the oaksterdams, so I got her propped up with a stick.
Also the wifey LST'd the other oaksterdam and topped the silver skunk.
i'll give you guys updates on those later today.


Well-Known Member
WELL MAYBE you could rep me AASSS WHOLE.. since I been reping your ass since I met you and just noticed you never repped me back .. YOU SUCK lol. :)


Well-Known Member
Some weird shit going on with the desert dream.
Northern lights still looks crisp from that one incident but her buds are lookin danky.
Master bubba turning purple.
Hindu Kush has horn nugs.
Redbull has got some nuggage going on.
I'm all ears on whats wrong with this shit

Master Bubba
MasterBubbaDay49Flower (3).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (5).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (6).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (1).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (9).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (4).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (7).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (2).jpgMasterBubbaDay49Flower (8).jpg

Northern Lights
NorthernLightsDay49Flower (1).jpg2011-08-21 12.10.02.jpg2011-08-21 12.09.53.jpgNorthernLightsDay49Flower (4).jpgNorthernLightsDay49Flower (2).jpgNorthernLightsDay49Flower (3).jpg2011-08-21 12.10.49.jpg2011-08-21 12.10.40.jpg2011-08-21 12.10.18.jpg

Desert Dream
2011-08-21 12.18.25.jpg2011-08-21 12.19.32(1).jpg2011-08-21 12.19.51.jpg2011-08-21 12.18.54.jpg2011-08-21 12.17.58.jpg2011-08-21 12.19.32(1).jpg2011-08-21 12.19.02.jpg2011-08-21 12.18.33.jpg2011-08-21 12.19.41.jpg2011-08-21 12.17.51.jpg2011-08-21 12.19.18.jpg2011-08-21 12.18.13.jpg2011-08-21 12.18.46.jpg2011-08-21 12.11.15.jpg2011-08-21 12.16.06.jpg2011-08-21 12.17.17.jpg2011-08-21 12.17.28.jpg2011-08-21 12.16.19.jpg2011-08-21 12.17.03.jpgDesertDreamDay49Flower.jpg

Hindu Kush
HinduKushDay49Flower (1).jpgHinduKushDay49Flower (2).jpg

RedBullDay21Flower (2).jpgRedBullDay21Flower (1).jpg


Active Member
Is the D.Dream closest to the lamp? She looks a little like she's got some light bleaching. Its looks heat related to me. What do her trichs look like? Damn man you are killing though....Nice work!!!


Well-Known Member
fuck, thats exactly what I thought it was, so I moved her earlier today away from under the light.
everything else looks completely fine.
good shit natural.

I got a bunch more pictures coming too of the redbull and hindu.
those ones are blurry.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to steeZz again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to steeZz again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to steeZz again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to steeZz again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to steeZz again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to steeZz again.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to alotaball again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to alotaball again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to alotaball again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dubbz0r again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dubbz0r again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dubbz0r again.You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dubbz0r again.

Just picked up the new 3DS from nitendo, it has 3D cameras and shit, gonna take pictures of the bud with them tomorrow morning :]


Well-Known Member
Wow just took a bunch of 3d pictures on the 3ds, holy shit is it fucking intense.
I got a picture of the northern lights cola, and in the background is a sea of colas and they all pop out and have form when you check it out on the 3ds.
pretty sure it wont trasnfer on here, but atleast the 3ds has nice cameras = nice pictures.
the seedlings are doing great, i'll update those today.
I think the silver skunk might be male, it's growing straight up and not trying to grow out.. but who knows.
both my oaksterdam plants are 100% different.. you'll see.

also I realized something. the plants that I want to survive and I take care of are the ones with problems.
the ones I fucked up on and don't care about are like the dankest looking plants.... wtf?
3 bagseeds, 2 are dying. the one that is prevailing is the one that hatched out of its seed with 1 leaf.
fuckin underdogs man.


Well-Known Member
Damn, 3D would be amazing for bud shots....Yeah, WTF their females aren't they.....
Not sure if these seeds are feminized or not, so anything is possible.
They've been growing for almost a month now, so I'm guessing they'll show sex in 2 weeks hopefully.

also, just rubbed my fingers on the redbulls leaves now that it has lotsa crystals.
and smelt them.
doesnt smell like redbull.
smells like this seed came from the blueberry headband from my wifeys clinic.
no joke, smells almost dead on.


Active Member
nice grow mate. I am hoping once I get my system sorted I can get some nice plants like that. What is the size of your flowering room?


Well-Known Member
It's 3x3x6.
Can't post pictures till she gets home from work, she has the 3ds :wall:
plus I'm dry right now so no pipe smoking today, and there isn't anything good at the clinic.

really hope my plants smoke better than shit I get at the clinic.
I don't want to be growing some good schwag.


Well-Known Member
Where in SoCal are you where you can't find good weed at a dispensary? You don't have to buy if the weed is shitty, you can go somewhere else...right? Besides, the dispensary I go to always has like 15-25 different strains on deck, where you going bro? I hope you crop turns out bitching though!! Fuck, I'd hate it if the bud at my dispensaries was bunk, oh well, not too long till the outdoor is done...


Well-Known Member
My other-half works at a clinic that usually has bomb stuff, but nothing really good at the moment.
I'm in the high desert, pretty much why the weed sucks.


Well-Known Member
This is the shit I'm smoking on right now. It's Cinderella99 that my friend grew. This shit is retardo weed, only good at night lol I smoked a bowl of it at 11am today and my day was fucked until about 6pm.
