400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
cool ill let you know what I order.. maybe once I mother em out.. ill invite you over and we can pick the best mama's :)


Well-Known Member
Didnt see your respond, sent you a text hahaha was too excited.

I got like 10 more seeds germinating gonna plant them and see what ones look the best and kill the rest :]


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to give you a heads up on the heat difference....I let my moms get droopy often....probably not the best thing...lol
hahaha didn't mean to bash you or anything.
I know what you mean though, seriously 2-3 degrees change outside my tent will spike it 7-10 degrees.
my brother actually told me he lets them get droopy to the point of like nearly dying and then feed them...
no way I can go through with that.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings gettin big.
One of the oaksterdams is short and lighter green.
The other is tall and darker green.
both of them are about to hit their second leaves

The silver skunk looks good so far, atleast thats the name of the bud I got it from ehh.
also got about 10 seeds germinating i'm going to be planting and picking the best looking ones.
The names are in the pictures of which are which.



Active Member
hahaha didn't mean to bash you or anything.
I know what you mean though, seriously 2-3 degrees change outside my tent will spike it 7-10 degrees.
my brother actually told me he lets them get droopy to the point of like nearly dying and then feed them...
no way I can go through with that.

hahaha I was just busting your balls bro!!!! Just about everyone gets the light bug....we are all mostly just greedy bastards anyway.....more....more....more.........


Well-Known Member
it's funny you ask, they are officially week 4 I believe, or 28 days flowering rather.

Oh and, back left is the Desert Dream, back right is the northern lights, front left is master bubba, to the right of it is the hindu kush, then the front right is my 12/12 from seed.
northern lights is taking the spotlight I think, master bubba is bomb and all but the northern lights is starting to look like just a big nug with some plant with it rather than a big plant with some nug with it.
seeds are fine, just weird as fuck... cant wait for the 10 other ones to be ready.GroupDay28Flower.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea man we're exactly 1 week apart lol That's awesome. Have you been seeing many trichomes yet?


Well-Known Member
Millions of them, the desert dream is covered in crystals, the northern lights is behind her, and then the hindu kush, then the master bubba.... its weird, the master bubba really isnt as crystally as the rest, but it has the biggest nugs and most pistils. ehhh.

Planted one of the bagseeds I was germinating, about to go check on the rest of the seeds to check if any others are ready.


Well-Known Member
Your master bubba sounds like my master kush. Buds are getting fat and hairy but it's not big on trichomes yet. Hopefully these fuckers start pumping them out soon! The ones with the trichomes are awesome though. They're smell seems to transform. Sometimes I'll go to the little popcorn nugs at the bottom of the plant and rub a leaf just to get a smell of it lol

How many plants do you have total now?


Well-Known Member
Nice man. 18 plants is going to keep you hella busy lol My next grow I should have either 24 or 36. Depends on what I get from this harvest (need to invest in more shit for more plants). The workload is gonna be ridiculous!! but all worth it!!


Well-Known Member
I think my northern lights is going to be finishing the quickest, it looks like most peoples stuff at week 6 of flowering.
also, my desert dream has been shedding fan leaves like crazy on the lower lower part of her, im thinking fungus gnat larvae eating the roots killing her maybe? ugh.
regardless of the shedding, she looks damn good where it counts and is by far the most crystally.
master bubba had to get tied with a shoelace to support her base stem from all the nug weight already, when i watered yesterday she nearly killed herself.
Hindu kush, actually is coming and nugging quite well for its shape. If it turns out to be real good smoke, i'll keep it, anything not top quality and im going to either BHO or hash the entire plant.
since the transfer of pots, this fucking thing has exploded, mycorrhizae is the shit man i'm telling you. it has some slight browning from the tops of the leaves in on the lower part of the plant, but im not trippin since i've really been just experimenting with nutrients on it and getting the hang of shit... I mean for a plant that i'm trying to fail on this thing is pulling weight, i think its like a foot and a half tall now.

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Active Member
Looking really healthy man, keep it up. Nearly everyone gets those weaker yellow/brown leaves near the bottom so I wouldn't worry too much.


Well-Known Member
Also, got only 3 bagseeds going, so 2 oaksterdam, and 1 silver skunk, then i got 3 bagseeds going, the rest of them were bunk.
so 11 plants. But at the same time these plants will be for clones and whatnot so i'll have millions of plants!

one of the bagseeds has already popped through, the other two are still sleeping in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Looking really healthy man, keep it up. Nearly everyone gets those weaker yellow/brown leaves near the bottom so I wouldn't worry too much.
Yea, this plant has blown up, it was just an experiment to try out 12/12 from seed. crazy.


Well-Known Member
she looks good!.. that was pretty much 12/12 from seed right? I wouldnt feed her too much more.. looks like you got it right where it needs to be.. But you could push it lol phuck it.. she's an experiment lol.


Well-Known Member
I have been pushing it... i gave her like 1 and 1/2 the dose they told me to give her lol !
Instead of like burning her or anything she exploded with pistils and grew like 5 inches in one day.
desert dream is shedding leaves though like every night, it seems reasonable where shes shedding since the spots aren't getting much light, but still 6-7 fan leaves a day?

gracias for the compliments


Well-Known Member
are they yellowing then falling off.. thats normal!.. just dont pull them off.. because the plant is using the nitro from them.. I wouldnt try to feed them too much nitro to stop it.. it taste like shit... its pretty much the normal process.. if it feels like its excessive.. maybe put a picture up of the problem areas so we can all look at it .. but chances are its just the beginning of the end lol