400W bubbleponics closet

Hi all! I've been reading up for months now, and have two successful outdoor grows under my belt. My mate has a little closet that is producing some fantastic herb, so I'm jumping in head first. I'm spending some money getting this closet set up for maximum yield, so I'll be asking a lot of questions and need some help!

I'll be doing true bubbleponics in a 2'x4' by 4' high closet. There is a 14" high by 4 long section above the grow room that will be for a mother and starting clones under fluro lighting which I haven't bought yet.

Ballast: Lumatek Electronic Ballast
HPS Bulb: Hortilux Super HPS

Reflector: Super Sun 2 - 6" Air-Cooled

She's lined in 2mil mylar, and am going with 2 tubs with 3.75" net pots. I have 1 Whisper 60 air pump and one petsmart off brand, and Sunterra 200gph water pumps.
Rockwool and Hyrdotron balls. I've and inline fan and the makings of a carbon filter to keep t cool in there. I also had a PH meter, but no PPM meter...

Hoping to be set up and vegging NYC Diesel clones, that are starting now by a friend by the end of the month. Have jumbo grizzly seeds from Kootenay mountain and Big bud seeds from Hemp Depot on their way too.

I have quite a lot of knowledge about aquaponics, and I am expecting success :-) fingers crossed!

Opening Salvo of Questions!

- I haven't decided on au naturale, SOG, or SCROG. I have been planning on 6 plants per tub, but haven't gotten them yet. Any thoughts?!!

- I have been holding off buying nutes, and would love some honest feeedback on nute choices. Hearing decent things aboud GH and Fox Farms, and better things about Advanced Nutrients, but sheesh how much more is it worth?!!

Looking for maximum yield herem and I know it will take me a few cycles to get things dialed in, but there is enough knowledge on this forum to grow fields of herb, so keep the advice coming!

thanks and good smokin
General Disarray


Well-Known Member
Welcome Stranger,

Although you may be new here, you sound like you have been around the block.
My Opinion on nuts? Dollar for Dollar FF as long as you mix it well. I keep a small pump going 24/7 in my res and it keeps them from settling.

As far as Maximizing yield it only makes sense to keep an even distance from light to plant so scrog would be and is my choice. Currently I am LST in my first aero. I skipped the screen only because I wasn't sure if I would have to get in there. Turns out rapid rooter plugs held up fine.

Good luck to ya.


:-) Thanks for the kind words and nute recommendation :-)

Sounds like the screen is what I need, and I'll order the fox farms set tonight.

Also, I read a lot about a double handful of different bloom boosts and super flowering nutrients and alpha mega bud boosters - whats the word on these, a trusted brand or two, and your thoughts on them in general?

I have a close friend who confided in me recently that he's been growing for ten years! He said he and his cohorts have tried fifty or so strains and have what they like down to six or so, including the usual g13, AK47, and a few Kush's, and he'll give me whatever clones I want :-) a friend indeed 'eh?!

I'll be setting up the room within a week, and I'll keep you at least updated.



Well-Known Member

:-) Thanks for the kind words and nute recommendation :-)

Sounds like the screen is what I need, and I'll order the fox farms set tonight.

Also, I read a lot about a double handful of different bloom boosts and super flowering nutrients and alpha mega bud boosters - whats the word on these, a trusted brand or two, and your thoughts on them in general?

I have a close friend who confided in me recently that he's been growing for ten years! He said he and his cohorts have tried fifty or so strains and have what they like down to six or so, including the usual g13, AK47, and a few Kush's, and he'll give me whatever clones I want :-) a friend indeed 'eh?!

Genetics is the key. Sure there are several different manufactures of basic nutrients they are all the same IMO all that does is effect taste, The additives for bloom are for real you can get higher yield in hydro with beastie. FF has a tendency to settle, it would be a good idea to pick up a power head from an aquarium store and toss it in the res to mix it constantly. Thats about what I do.

The last thing I would suggest is to get a PPM Meter and keep a low nute load. I run about 500 ppm in veg and 600 to 700 in flower. I will punch it up to 800 or so on the third week of flower to get more bud sites and sixth week to get them to fill out more but by keeping a low nute load I have found I get better smoke in the end and a healthier grow altogether.

Ph at 5.7 veg and 6.0 flower works best for me.

Sounds like you have the genetics covered.


Once again thank you for the help. You are fast becoming one of m favorite people! I have a pH meter now, but no ppm meter, and the budget is tightening up a little with college starting soon and all, I may not have one for my first round, but I'll be looking for one, and thanks for the specs of what works for you.

One more question if you've got the time?

I would like to boost CO2 in the room as well. My options are dry ice, fermentation, and a tank of course. Again with the funding I'll probably keep it simple from here on out, and I have fermented plenty of wine and simple mash, what are your thoughts on increasing CO2 in the grow room?

Thanks again, and best to you and yours,



Well-Known Member
From what I understand fresh air contains 300ppm of CO2 and is sufficient to grow a nice crop. With HID lighting and high temps like 89 to 95° you can add CO2 and it will be beneficial to your grow. Plants can use up to 1500 PPM of CO2

The deal is, it is expensive to get it right. controller/monitor tank and regulator will run about $600.00
Sure you can add a bit with yeast but I would try and get some fresh air in there. Its free. CO2 is heaver then air so if you can get an intake from outside at ground level and an exhaust up top you will have plenty.
Very good :-)

Thanks again, I'll worry about the CO2 when I'm all grown up and at least 'learning how to roll'

thanks! I will put up a pic or two here in the next day or two



Well-Known Member
Sounds good.
I don't mean to shoot your CO2 idea down but I am just trying to be realistic.
Hell, I have a tank and a regulator with a solenoid switch so it will work with a timer but I wont pay $400 for a controller. I used it a couple grows and then didn't with the same strain and I really didn't notice any difference.

But then again. I didn't do it right.

I will keep this scribed.