400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Active Member
Tanis.....Thanks bro! I figured someone must have the same (close) set-up. I do plan on scrog & just got a 95cfm inline for both exhaust/intake.


Well-Known Member
LOL day 1 of 12/12???? you gots a ways to go guy :P more then 4 weeks if you want anything worth it.... go to the grow faq's and look up flowering and length of time... I don't think there is a 4 week flowering plant.....


Well-Known Member
you know there is no way unless this guy took AGES to do photoshop images to make that up... good god I think I just wet myself..... those loooooookkkkk soooooo TASTY!



Well-Known Member
I'm certain it's just a typo----I know this ain't your first rodeo ;-)
LOL day 1 of 12/12???? you gots a ways to go guy :P more then 4 weeks if you want anything worth it.... go to the grow faq's and look up flowering and length of time... I don't think there is a 4 week flowering plant.....
u can take it down around then ... dont expect it to get you high tho :bigjoint:
ahhhhh haha yeah thats a typo!!! 8 more weeks to go!!!! hahaha. thanks caddy, for bringin that up. caddy are you still using GH 3 part? have you tried the florablend and floralicious plus as additives?


Active Member
i will have 40 plant's and 2x400watts HPS tell me its a ormal for 40 plat or i need more lamps?I think then i need 1x400 MHl but im not shure.Help me :)


Well-Known Member
thanks nfhu88

the polyploid i didn't top, but the others NYCD i supercropped

if u want to take a look at my grow check the link in signature 'current grow...'
