yea man they should be cool, just getting worried, i dont got to explain myself im sure you guys know what its like!

Yea i take the hanging buds out on a regs and usually turn the hangers around, the loose buds i gently shuffle about and the larger loose buds i turn over, the fan is on and swaying constantly but not directly through the holes only partially breezing one side, i reached in the middle and when the fan rotates to the box you can feel a very gentle, cool breeze come in, its very soft, i shouldnt even think it would move toilet paper, although i havent tested it with mine cause its like sand paper and wouldnt move if blew on it!!!!

anyway, so the air feels good, i forgot to mention that ive got the central heating on so my place is warm, the fan blows cold air in but it stays around 23 so i think that is ok, drops to around 20ish at night if i turn CH off.
The buds ive had in baggies, should i leave them in overnight aswell or would this cause mold?
yea i know its weird that one crisped up on the actual plant, before i harvested to, did i mention that they are two different strains, would this also cause one to dry quicker?
once again, sorry to for the long reply and the questions, i worry....

you should see what im like with my son!
Peace >>

for those who didnt know)