400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


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Well-Known Member
^LOL^ mine are 20+ days old and Are still less than three inches tall. (they still look like seedlings!!) I'm using Miracle Grow inorganic soil which i know is no good but that's all i have right now, switching to regular old backyard soil tomorrow, hope things improve. Cool bulb pic how did u take that?


Well-Known Member
I don't like MG myself, but some people have grown really good bud with it. It just takes a safecracker's touch with that stuff. If you're looking for a good brand of organic soil, there's one in a purple bag called Garden State. I use it and it's pretty great. It's ph 7 and has no time-released nutes. Works great for me, just cut it with perlite and peat moss.


Well-Known Member
What??? LOL...can you guide me so I could read that!!!


I could yield 4k lbs, if I had access to a 100 acre field with rich fertile soil and had 2000 female clones, and had access to renewable water source, and could afford massive amounts of high grade nutrients. It would also have to be in the middle of nowhere with no flyovers.

But indoors with led's... no chance in hell! I would be both testicles on that! The guy who said that is just another shill.