400W HPS Auto AK/LR#2 Grow Question


Active Member
Hey Everyone, new to the boards posting-wise but have done lots of browsing over the past year.

I recently bought a 400W hps lamp off my buddy and got 5 autoflower AK47/LR#2 seeds from Attitude.

This will be my first grow so any and all advice is welcome. Im growing in a custom growbox modeled off of some designs I saw here.

Questions I have so far are:

1) How should I start the seeds? Germ them and use what lights at the begining?

2) I want to do things the best way that I can, using the best products. What can you all recommend for nuts and nutrient usage.

3) Any other help!!!

Thanks a lot guys. I've seen how helpful everyone is on these boards and hope to find some good info. I plan to start a grow journal too once I have fully prepared!



1) How should I start the seeds? Germ them and use what lights at the begining?

Hey Smiley i germ by putin the seeds in distilled water in a glass, then i put em in a dark warm place and within a day or 2 they form a crack and a tiny root pops out- then transplant to grow medium no deeper than an inch down.

for lights- while in veg growth, you want a blue spectrum of light(6400k). i use cfl's which i keep really close up- within 3-4 inches. i try to give each plant 6500 lumens of light each.

I think your lighting for flowering is fine.


Active Member
Hey Everyone, new to the boards posting-wise but have done lots of browsing over the past year.

I recently bought a 400W hps lamp off my buddy and got 5 autoflower AK47/LR#2 seeds from Attitude.

This will be my first grow so any and all advice is welcome. Im growing in a custom growbox modeled off of some designs I saw here.

Questions I have so far are:

1) How should I start the seeds? Germ them and use what lights at the begining?

2) I want to do things the best way that I can, using the best products. What can you all recommend for nuts and nutrient usage.

3) Any other help!!!

Thanks a lot guys. I've seen how helpful everyone is on these boards and hope to find some good info. I plan to start a grow journal too once I have fully prepared!
1) How should I start the seeds? Germ them and use what lights at the begining?

Paper towel method works fine. Place a seed between to moist paper towels inside a bowl with a plastic bag over it in a dark and warm place. They should sprout within 48 hours, normally 24, but some seed take longer.

You can use the light you have, but place them a lot further away from the light.

2) I want to do things the best way that I can, using the best products. What can you all recommend for nuts and nutrient usage.

Dont give them any nutes for a while. Then high N nutes will be fine.

3) Any other help!!!

Have patience.....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
1) How should I start the seeds? Germ them and use what lights at the begining?

2) I want to do things the best way that I can, using the best products. What can you all recommend for nuts and nutrient usage.

3) Any other help!!!
Welcome aboard smiley! :mrgreen:

Your choice of strains will give you some pretty specific growing requirements. First off, are you using feminized seeds or good ole fashioned it-could-be-a-boy-or-a-girl seeds? Reason I ask is.....those sites are charging a small fortune for the autoflowering seeds these days. :evil:

If they are the regular seeds, then you definitely want to get a male and collect some pollen. :mrgreen: Just one decent male can save you a ton on autoflowering seeds if you anticipate growing them again.

1) Lighting. After reading through a bunch of journals here, I'm sure you're aware that one typically uses a daylight spectrum (defined by it's temp in Kelvin) bulb (Metal Halide, cfls at 6500K, flouros). But autoflowering strains are a bit goofy with this.

They have a very brief vegetative period. Typically 2-3 weeks before you start seeing gender show (the true sign that an auto is going to flower). Given this shorter veg stage, it is perfectly acceptable to begin vegging with the hps you have (especially a 400watter:mrgreen:).

But there are advantages and drawbacks to this:
A) Advantage- You get to use your most powerful light for the veg stage as well increasing your babies growth early on. And using just 1 light all of the time means that you are well set up for a perpetual auto grow as you never have to change the lighting schedule (which will be 18/6 or usually 20/4 for your strains)
D) Disadvantage- Your "autoflowering dwarf" plant won't be too much of a dwarf. That's b/c it will stretch and get rather tall with that light. This makes tight node spacing a bit difficult.

Up to you. There's no wrong answer here. :mrgreen:

2) As an experienced auto grower, I would recommend you seriously consider going hydro. DWC-bubbler to be specific. It's simple, it's cheap, it's a ridiculous yielder, and it's a perfect way to maximize the auto strains. Here's a link to a simple DIY bubbler system that I used with great success with autos:

If you're more comfortable with soil, then possibly consider using Coco Coir. It's now available at most hydro shops and easily obtainable online. The reason I am encouraging you to avoid soil with an auto is that your yield and finishing times will both be better in hydro or hydro-like (i.e. Coco) set ups with the auto strains. Taking that and combining it with the possibility that you have all fem'd seeds and you'll really be looking to try and maximize your yield off of the 5 seeds you have.

Now to the nutes. This really will be a matter of preference. If you go hydro, I personally would recommend the Fox Farm Trio pack of nutes (cheap but get the Grow Big for Hydro specifically...there are 2 types) and maybe the smallest bottle of hygrozyme (that stuff is pricey though). And of course, going hydro, you'll need a cheap pH pen (amazon), cheap PPM meter (very important, cheap, amazon), and some pH up/pH down (cheap, amazon). And that's all you'll need for your entire grow (most likely multiple grows as you really won't use much with the autos).

As for feeding. Well, your ppm pen will tell you that. But the general rule of thumb with the autos is nothing for the 1st 2 weeks. They are HIGHLY sensitive to nutes and easy to burn or stunt. You'll want to start off a little under 1/4 the recommended dose of nutes and gradually add more based on the plant's tolerance (which you'll know by whether the ppm in the system is dropping or going up).

3)Any other help. You know that those plants are going to stink something fierce right? :blsmoke:

Make sure you have some sort of odor elimination system in place. They really are pungent.

Understand the major advantages of growing an auto strain:
1) Easy to grow. Very difficult to screw up and kill.

2) You'll barely need to use any nutes to pull off your grow. That's alot of bang for your buck on the nutes if you keep growing autos.

3) Perpetual growth. Here's the biggie. If you are very limited on space and can only have 1 room/grow cab/etc. then autos are the only way you can set up a perpetual grow. Due to the constant lighting cycle that'll never change (NEVER go 12/12 with autos...it's like feeding Gremlins after midnight :lol:), the auto strains can easily be staggered in their growth to get routine harvests (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). Whereas with other non-autoflowering strains, you do legitimately need 2 seperate compartments to make this happen as one room will need to be in 18/6 and the other will need to be in 12/12. Look into Sea Of Green and you'll see the type of grows that i'm talking about. Won't be an option for ya if you only have the 5 feminized seeds. But if you've got regular seeds on hand and manage to harvest pollen and pollinate one of you're girls, then you'll want to go perpetual thereafter.

If going hydro, go with a shallow rez size. This will help keep the plant on the short size so you don't end up with a 3' "dwarf" plant. I did mine in that exact tote shown in that DIY link I posted and got 3oz off of just 1 LR2 plant under a 150wHPS. Limiting the height really won't limit your yield.

1) Autos are never as strong a smoke, yet, as there regular counter parts. the Ruderalis gene (makes the plant autoflowering) decreases the thc content. I'm not saying that they are bad at all. But you'll notice that your Auto AK47/LR2 will not be as strong a smoke as if you just grew AK47. :cry:

2) Growing time. Most people think that autos really cut down on the time of a grow. This really isn't that true. Growing a regular strain would involve 4 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower. The auto strains finish in 10 weeks total. While thats a 2 week savings, it's really not that much. Don't listen to the "just 8 weeks" hype. Most of it is inaccurate. Plan on 10 weeks of growing with these babies.

3) Cost per watt per hour. As you grow more and more you'll start to look at the ratio of your yield compared to your electric bill. Given that the autos require 20/4 lighting, it does drastically reduce your "Grams/watt/hour" ratio. In terms of lighting, they are a less efficient grow than a typical grow involving a 12/12 light cycle.

Okay. I think that's all I've got for ya now. :lol: Again, if you're dealing with just 5 feminized auto seeds, then I can't stress enough the importance of going with the hydro set up I described and linked above. It'll be the difference between getting 5oz off of 5 plants or getting 10-15oz off of 5 plants. Seriously. ;-)

I included a thread to an Autoflowering Resource Guide that you'll probably find helpful as well. :mrgreen:


Best of luck!

-Butters :bigjoint:


Active Member
hey guys, im starting a tent grow with 10 auto kush feminized under 600 watt mh till they show sex then switching to the hps bulb. does anyone have experience with tents? will the plants do well in a tent style grow?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, im starting a tent grow with 10 auto kush feminized under 600 watt mh till they show sex then switching to the hps bulb. does anyone have experience with tents? will the plants do well in a tent style grow?
the tents.....cant imagine thatll give ya good refelectivity.....get mylar and put it against the celiings and walls inside.....thattl help...

never used one mysel, just thinking of reflectivety...and odor.......

prolly be fine.....they sell that shizzle right??? dude. make your own.

persnalize it, make it urs, and try, fail and try agian.

i am a small 400 Mh/SHPS hortilux and its perfect. depends what your goin for......

its the ONLY way to do it right.

no way better than your own!

peace and happines.


Butters I'm impressed at 3oz from 1 lr2 just insane, i hope i get that from my auto's.. probably won't cause I'm in soil.. What was the height approx of that 3oz plant at harvest??


Glad to hear you're using this: I plan to keep it much more aggressively up-to-date than has been the case in the past, but don't hesitate to let me know if you find errors or need clarifications.


Well-Known Member
Butters I'm impressed at 3oz from 1 lr2 just insane, i hope i get that from my auto's.. probably won't cause I'm in soil.. What was the height approx of that 3oz plant at harvest??
It was just under 2' tall at chop. Put on the bulk of it's bud-weight in the final 3 weeks.

There is another guy on that autoflower forum that averaged 3oz per auto plant in soil. Not sure what he does to make that happen consistently but here's a link to his last grow:

-Butters :bigjoint:


Cheers Butters- had a poke round that thread .. very interesting, he definitely bigs up those ak47xlowrider2 babies he had, which is a good thang cause i almost bought lr2's today. Chuffed +rep.


Active Member
Hey Guys -

Thanks for the feedback.


After reviewing what you said, I am definitely going with the hydro setup you showed me.

How would you suggest I germ the seeds? And what exactly do I go about doing once they're germed to set them up in the hydro system.

And how far should the 400w HPS be from the plants when theyre seedlings and also when they are a bit older?

Thanks a lot again everyone!

Cant wait to get some pic's up and started!


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys -

Thanks for the feedback.


After reviewing what you said, I am definitely going with the hydro setup you showed me.

How would you suggest I germ the seeds? And what exactly do I go about doing once they're germed to set them up in the hydro system.

And how far should the 400w HPS be from the plants when theyre seedlings and also when they are a bit older?

Thanks a lot again everyone!

Cant wait to get some pic's up and started!
I always used the wet paper towel method with great success. Only takes about 3 days or so.

You'll need to get "net cups", hydroton rocks, and either rockwool cubes or peat sponges/aerogarden sponges. I had crap luck with the rockwool so I ended up getting peat sponges/plugs and had no problem since.

Once you see a taproot, just put the seed root down in the sponge/rockwool (which has been soaked in pH'd water 1st). Then fill the net cup with some of the hydroton rocks (also rinsed with ph'd water) and then put your sponge/rockwool cube in the net cup, surrounding it with the hydroton rocks.

As for the light distance, I would start off with some sort of cfl lighting fixture for that 1st 2 weeks. If you need to use the 400w HPS, you'll need to keep it about 1' off of the baby plants. Their ability to self-regulate heat isn't that great at that age so you don't want to cook'm.

When they get older, you can certainly keep the light closer (depending on if yours is an air cooled hps). Just keep a thermometer close to the top of the plants and do your absolute best to keep the temp as close to 76f as possible.

Send a link when you get started bro.

-Butters :bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks Butters!

I only plan to grow 2-3 at a time, so for the DIY DWC would it be ok to just cut 3 holes with net cups? If so, what size net cups should I use? Also Butters, for my 2nd grow after this first Auto grow, i plan to do normal strains and give those a try.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Butters!

I only plan to grow 2-3 at a time, so for the DIY DWC would it be ok to just cut 3 holes with net cups? If so, what size net cups should I use? Also Butters, for my 2nd grow after this first Auto grow, i plan to do normal strains and give those a try.
I think the 1" to 1.5" net cup size will do you fine. In growing 2-3 plants in one rez, make sure you get a good rez size. Something around 5-8 gallons should do but 10gallons would be easier for you if you did 3 plants (have to feed and refill water less).

Also be warned, if those seeds aren't feminized you'll have an issue when it's time to chop the males. See, in the same rez, those roots are likely to tangle. Even at about 2 weeks old. The root growth of these autos is absolutely explosive. I was able to get by just by seperating the roots and untangling them like every other day.

But if you have hygrozyme it won't really matter. It basically breaks down decaying matter and turns it into food for the plant. :mrgreen:

A bit pricey though. :cry:

-Butters :bigjoint: