400w Hps drip Hydro unknown indica


Active Member
Just sampled some of the lower popcorn buds I had curing for about a day and a half when I did some under trimming. Shit got me stoned as fuck. Hell I was stoned after the 2nd puff it was very medicinal The taste was horrible since it wasn't cured or leeched for nutrients when picked. almost tasted like tobacco. In comparison uncured and unleached it was like really Good Mexican brick weed, but got me way higher. I'm going to trim a bit more down below and practice curing. Since I'm such a nub.

OK now I'm addicted This bush is tits! My headache I had all day is gone. and Guess what? This medication has never killed anyone unlike over the counter painkillers that screw up my stomach since I have a stomach problems


Active Member
So my buddy whom I got my sack from, that i'm growing seeds from, (ugg grammar) talked to his buddy and said that it was some Alien OG that his buddy grew from seed and fucked up and seeded. (GOOD FOR ME =D)
OMS! great now my buddy says he doesn't know for sure if it was alien OG LOL oh well it's good weed very resilient for a nub like me and virtually zero smell besides a rich chocolate smell when you touch it with your hands.


Active Member
PH at Yellow smidge of green so I put in a quarter of 1 mL Ph Down, PPm at 740ppm. I took some samples of The really spaced out lower popcorn buds about a 1/8th Put it in a zipolck with some cleanex jammed in the zipper so they don't get moldy and so they dry out perfectly


Active Member
ppm was 550 so I bumped it up to 700ppm and today it's at 650. Ph is in the high yellows, added some top off water and hopefully it brought it down to be perfect.

Fed veg babies also they were looking kinda yellowish and sad. I think one is in shock but the rest are just looking a bit undernourished so I fed/watered them at 550ppm. I'm not too worried about them because they are going to go into full hps veg here in about 1 week


Active Member
Everything is on track for the last week of flower. I'm going to start to do the flush tonight. I got some PH calibration and storage solution and some other goodies. So my ph is great ppm and everything is great and almost ready for harvest. I'll probably start a clearx flush on Wednesday and harvest on Saturday. For now I'm gong to start the flush with just plain water. I'll post an update in a few.


Active Member
PPM last night when I checked was 110 Humidity is around 35%. changed the ph from 6.0 to 5.6 and topped off the rez since half of it was gone. I want to keep things kinda of dry this last week to avoid bud rot and cut down on the chances of mold I"ll upload a video here of week 10 in an hour or so unless other things come up.


Active Member
Here is the updated video of the first day of week 10 flush.

Honestly this could be week 11 I can't find my records but the tricombs are nice and cloudy and some of the lower popcorn nuggets I dried up were so stony not a total couch lock but some run around and then some hard core art time and get some stuff accomplished time. Then it went into a nice distant melt into the chair relaxation for my broken back. unleached and uncured they were a nice stone with not a lot of coughing but some real medicine tasting citrus with a dash of chocolate and WOW quick buzz. FFS my hands smell like freaking chocolate frosting



Active Member
Thanks I tried to keep a good vlog so others could learn to grow better from my fuckups. I see a lot of people edit their shit when they screw up to make them self look better, but that doesn't help anyone else learn. Anyhow Thanks for looking at my wonderful low power grow.


Active Member
I'm not going to clearx because I hear it's ok for the nutes to clear in 7 days of fresh water. My ppm from day 1 to now has gone from about 95 > 110 > 90> 80 > and now it's at 75 with 3 days to go. I may change it out once more before harvest. The bud i tested tasted good even for uncured it wasn't harsh

There was a small water leak but no major drainage/damage or pain to repair. flower room was at 44% humidity and high 70's. Some of the test itsy bitsy popcorn buds I took off a few days got me HIIIIIIII as superfucking man. Like "I haven't done that in a while", hi. So I'm sure the cola nugs will make me retarded. Luckily I've got a spare mindset. And that is to get my veg going again as soon as possible. I haven't decided to run a infinite motherless recloning grow (IMRG)or keep a mother. At this point it wouldn't be cheaper to keep a mom. but I want to really make some seeds to save this awesome fucking super silent strain. I wish someone could identify it for me. maybe I'll post pictures on a new forum topic when I'm done with this cycle and see if anyone has a clue


Active Member
All finished :mrgreen:

I got at least 15oz total wet weight. I'll post the dry weight in a few days/weeks.

Here are a few pics just before harvest. I'll put up a video later maybe.

Tomato grow op 002.JPGTomato grow op 001.JPGTomato grow op 003.JPGTomato grow op 004.JPG


Active Member
Here it is folks the harvest video of this grow. ENjoy! I know I will =D



Well-Known Member
looks nice. im not sure but isnt the dry weight about 1/4 the wet weight? so that would be about 1/4 lb dry. not bad.


Active Member
All I know is that each plant besides the two dinky ones I transplanted from the DWC filled up a plastic grocery bag. There were 3 full bags. The two dinky plants from the dwc that were infected with gnats only filled up a small portion of the bottom of a bag. I only had a cheep finger scale and it was topped out at over 4oz even after I took a hand full of buds out to try to get a better idea of how much was actually there. So It's a guess that each was over 5oz. The trophy bud weighed an ounce and a half. I can't wait till it's all cured and jarred up. thanks for stopping by.


Active Member
OK after much MUCH research and questioning the people I got the original seeds from, It's become apparent that this strain is C99. Buds Smells citrus/old fruit, Low smell, easy growing ,high high way up high. NO burn out. So that ends it. LOL!