400w hps power kush, blue widow, and california hash plant


Active Member
Hey everybody I just thought is show the girls off a little bit just to see if I can get some opinions on how I'm doing. First thing I've got a power kush, a blue widow, and a California hash plant all from dinafem I've got em under a 400w hps in a 4x4 grow tent and a 6 in online fan that moves 250 cfm temps stay at 75-78 degrees. I'm using ff tiger bloom half strength once a week.
Power kush is in the back blue widow right hash plant left IMAG0219.jpg
Oh yea my ph from my run off is at 6.8
Any input tips or opinions would be much appreciated


Active Member
Well damn I was feeling pretty proud of mine then you come through with these big beautiful bastards. Did yours take a while to start to fill out like that it seems like the calyx's on mine Havnt even started to swell yet


Well-Known Member
NO not really.

If you check my Journal thread in my SIG then you can follow it from the start of flowering. Seeing each new growth spurt when it happens.

It took from around the 26july to maybe the 30th july ish to see them really fill out. But then i am HYDRO not SOIL.

Dont get dissheartened by my PK plants. I have been doing this for 1 and a half years but i have OCD as far as this hobby goes.



Well-Known Member
I might also add that all the way through veg all 4 seemed to be the same PHENOTYPE but after switching to flower i have 2 tall ones, 2 smaller ones. of the 2 tall ones 1 of them has some MASSIVE COLA's while the other doesnt have massive cola's (still pretty decent tho) the 2 smaller ones, 1 of them is really stocky and fat and the other i would consider a RUNT.

I think i should average around 4oz a plant but with that being said i may be taking more from some plants than others so it should average out.



Active Member
Well I think the hydro and light factor is probably it I was gonna upgrade to a 600 after these are done


Active Member
I have a digi but I do prefer a mag but I need a hood that I can attach ventilation to instead of the typical flat tenable one so ill just order the 600 combo and that should be plenty for a 4x4 tent right


Well-Known Member
Yes it should work with some working room included. A 600w can cover 4x4 but most growers use it within a 3x3 area. I like a little working room in my closet. Granted i dont have much lol but its enough to completely get inside my grow room.

If you use an aircooled hood are you going to be attaching a carbon filter to the lighting setup?

I personally use 2 fans in my setup. 1x400CFM just for the HOOD (no grow room air passes through it as it has its own cold air intake) and 1x180CFM for scrubbing and air exchange and i just use PASSIVE vents.

If you plan on adding a Filter to your lighting system i would possibly get a little larger fan than the 400CFM versions maybe around 500CFM's and get a slightly larger CFM rated filter so that you get Virtually ZERO SMELL.



Active Member
Yes I am planning on getting the air cooled hood but I don't need a filter i own my house so I don't have landlords to worry about. And I smoke inside so my place always smells a bit skunky


Active Member
I love Dinafem there strains r nice..I have 2 industrial plants, 1 california hash plant going now under my 600 quatum ballast and cooltube..10 days into 12/12 flowering took a minute but its picking up i think this was due to me cutting some roots on accident durning transplanting...California hash has 19 nodes and 22 inches tall crazy compact..I also pinched my tops down almost 6-8 inches due to hight restrants and within 9 hrs they had perked themselves right back up i was inpressed...Keep up the good work...