400w HPS to 600w HPS a good jump?


Active Member
I've been growing with a 400w for about 3 years now. For the area I have described below, how would an upgrade to 600w do in that size area? Would it be overkill? Would it be worth the cost to upgrade?? Or am I close to max for my size grow area? How much more heat would I need to factor into my ventilation?

Was wondering if anyone in a similar situation in the past could offer some insight?

Flower room is 3x3 area with 5' of height. I usually put about 8 plants in two rows of 4 and I yield close to 12oz every 9-10weeks.

I have a 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 foot room with 10 plants. When i got my 600w HPS my heat jumped 15'C and had to add some more air flow.

If you can keep your heat down i say go for it! A 600w will do wonders for your plants


Well-Known Member
Growing in 4 x 2 area 1000watts temps 79-85 2 fans in the tent one under canopy and one on canopy... I have one 4" inline taking hot air out from enclosed hood... We'd have to see setup but just get better air flow you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
You won't believe how much more light a 600w puts out compared to a 400w. It also puts out a lot more heat as last poster said. If you can vent the heat, go 600w for sure! You'll get substantially bigger yields and buds compared to 400w.

If heat's a problem and you have the money, consider supplementing with LED light (blackstars are pretty reasonably priced for leds).

I'm 400w now but used to be 600w. The only reason I went 400w is becaue I'm in a smaller space than you are :)

If you're getting 12oz in that space now you should definitely be able to get well over a LB with a 600w. At 12 oz you are getting .84g/watt (awesome dude) -- at .84g/watt you should get appproximately 18 oz if you get the same grams/watt. So is 6oz more per harvest worth dealing with heat problems? If your answer is yes, go for it :)


Active Member
Awesome! Thanks for the quick replies. Lot of good info. Good to know 12oz is doing good. Always wondered if I was f'n it up or doing it decent. lol Anyway, my 400 isn't an enclosed hood. If I do the 600 I'll probably have to the glass enclosed hood and give it its own vent. My temps are right at 80F already.

I'm just at a point where I feel like I've got a good rhythm and cycle going and I feel confidant enough now that I could maybe tinker with some variables to get more yield. Also thinking of doing less plants but trying them in a SCROG type grow instead to see if I yield more that way. But that's a discussion for another thread.

Again, thanks for the info! I think I may do this upgrade.

@jojo: 1000w in a 4x2?! holy crap! *sizzle* Would melt my closet!


Well-Known Member
i was able to go from a 400 hps with out cooltube to a 600 with cooltube and my temps dropped a good 10 degrees, also the extra bud the 600 make is well worth the effort.


New Member
Flower room is 3x3 area with 5' of height. I usually put about 8 plants in two rows of 4 and I yield close to 12oz every 9-10weeks.

You could also easily go to a stadium grow with a cool tube and add 50% more plants.
Just a thought.


Active Member
Damn, wish I could go 1000w after seeing jojo. Just really complicates things to a new level in my closet with overloading the electrical circuit, heat, etc.. I can squeeze a 600 in with only the minor heat issue. Any difference in the cool tube vs. the enclosed hood with flat glass at the bottom or do they both work equally well?

@beenthere: Had to read up and see what a stadium grow was. Very interesting. I don't know if I can fit it that way though. Hard to take pic of my room to show due to the stealthy way I have to access it. Puts me right on top of everything and I cant get far enough back to get an inclusive picture. I definitely need to brain storm on some better techniques but I think I'll start another thread for that so I don't derail this one for someone else needing info in the future.