400w in a tent, Ultimate ScROG and perpetual SoG

$45 for the mantis, that's not including the overnight delivery ;) I think they sell the egg cases as well for a couple hundred. They sell some really tiny ones on that site but most all mantis eat tiny pest bugs so in order to keep them in your tent you would kind of have to add plant pests. Although I guess you could introduce fruit flies and just leave some fruit in there for them. Might as well grab a $5 chinese mantis egg and try that; they'll at least last for a little bit as they eat eachother. Just make sure to cover all vents in some silk screen.
yeah im defo not putting fruit flies in my tent, every summer we have a redicules problem with them little fuckers and my gf would probally kill me if i intentally brought them in the house. i want some cool looking or at least some good sized mantids, small ones arent as appealing to me. ill have to look into it a bit more maybe ill just add them to my garden this summer im sure they will stick around for a bit. just have to find somewhere that sells native ones as i dont want to introduce a forign species.
Oh hooo-leee-shit man I didnt see your big cfl reflector the first time thru, I didnt look at it closely at least... TURKEY PAN!!! I thought I was the only one creative enough! I have a bunch of pics on my journal that I kinda abandoned from my first grow, you'd prob dig a few of my homemade cfl reflectors (alot like yours) I came up on two pounded aluminum reflectors that I attached sockets to for an upgrade over the cardboard/aluminum foil reflectors I started with. When I got my 400wHPS it came with a 4ft umbrella reflector that was just too big, so being the type that will try to make/aquire/re-purpose before buying new, I saw the turkey pan at ACE around thanksgiving :)

2011-11-22 23.24.35.jpg

These are just cardboard and aluminum foil :)
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I still use these, have been using em for seedlings, but will use for clones when the time comes (only a few, not all bulbs)
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Its good to see some still have creativity! love that turkey pan dude

Your hobbit is coming along well too, much more matured than mine. My blue heavy spectrum will cause much slower growth, but will keep them really short and bushy, mines at 3" and 8 internodes! She's sporting pistils also despite the 20/4 :) love the auto's! she's my first so Im really curious how big she'll get under my T5's. I have a sativa bagseed thats been 12/12 since about 10days old, she's starting to pop with pistils everywhere at about 7" (only 4-5 nodes, abit stretchier since she was under a very heavy red spectrum that caused the stretch, got my spectrum dialed in now tho :) no more stretch) I know how big I can get em, Im kinda curious how small now. Ill find my middle ground eventually :)
thanks, didnt get real creative just bought a couple pans and screwed them to the top of the frame for my light fixture. they fit perfect only had to cut one of them so the other would fit over it. they did hold heat well so had to cut some vent holes in the top to release the hot air to the exasut fan above.

thanks for stoping by man :)
watered my revegging clones with the tea today, after i transplanted them and started revegging they have grown like mad it will be interesting to see what kind of bud nodes i get out of them might just be good for hash but whatever.

i am getting really impatient with this vegging shit i want some budding plants!!! cant wait till the perpetual is up and running in full swing will always have some vegging and some budding to fuck around with.

i have a question, after a while are the clones you take fully matured, meaning they wont take 2 weeks to force into flower even though they are still like a seedling? (size wise)
like once the mother has hit maturity and starts showing preflowers, will every clone i take after that be already mature? i just wonder cuz if i can get a good cloning technique down i may only veg for 2-3 weeks instead of the 4-6 i was originally planing on. i want to keep my plants on the smaller side so i dont have to put them in big containers.
my 3 gal pots i can only fit 9 into my tent. i will be trying to setup my perpetual with 3 strains every 2 weeks which will mean for a propper 8 week flower i will need to fit 12. think it would be alright to stack the new ones entering the tent on the bigger ones that are ready to come out soon?

something like this, kinda hard to show in a 1D drawing

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Clones switch to flowering much faster than young seed based plants. They also tend to stretch much much less and don't go through a huge growth spurt like from seed plants do. I generally expect my seed plants to triple in size post flip whereas my clones are more likely to just double in size or less when flipped. Of course there are other variables that effect all of this - smaller/younger clones do stretch more than larger clones...
My simple 1 pump plan for outdoor aquaponic ebb and flow - no timer/air stones necessary.

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So the pump would be in the lower rectangular res and pump into the large circular tank. An overflow would trickle into the smaller round tank with the fish oxygenating their water. Another overflow in the smaller tank would slowly feed the two tables which are equipped with bell siphons. Tables fill up - trip the siphon, drain completely into the lower res, repeat... Aside from feeding the fish and the occasional top off of the big tank it would require very little maintenance. The tables would be filled with rock or hydroton or something similar. If only it didn't get so fucking hot here in the summer. :(

Pst, matt/otto, take my plan and put it to use for me :)
what software do you use to make the 3d design?

i persoanlly wish i could but i doubt ill get the chance to do it anytime soon, maybe this summer i can rig something ghetto up outside but i have too much space restrictions inside, my 2 grow cab's take up more room than i really have. i think RadeonDeus (spelling) is planing on doing a aquaponics setup, i put up a shitty pain diagram of a flood and drain style that i thought would work relativly well check it out!!
Oh yeah it was radeon, not otto that I saw getting into it. I use DIALux which is actually a lighting program. It's totally free and most major lighting manufactures submit their specs so you can calculate everything legitimately. If you don't care to use if for lighting and just want a 3d sketch up program I would recommend google sketchup - easy to use, tons of options, free, you can d/l a crazy variety of items, tons of tutorials...
sweet ill have to check that out, i use paint which comes standard on every computer and though i can get my point across its not a cool looking lol
I'd love to do this sometime soon!

Building a 12 x 10 shed this summer.. after rearranging the junk if there is room and $$ leftover I'd consider doing a fishtank inside the shed feeding the garden outside. still have a ton to learn though!
If you like nerding out DIALux is a must have imo. Just too much fun. Let me know if you want these pics removed - i feel like I've been spamming your thread with random garbage recently

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meh yer fine my threads are far from compact anyways and often have me posting like 5 times in a row on unimportant shit so your pics dont make a bit of difference.
haha thanks man :)

i know it sucks got a few friends here on rollitup that would get me a nice bag but i gotta deal with the dirt ><

the hobbit should be getting done in about 4-5 weeks?? hasent really started budding yet but 60 days for a auto right??? gonna be putting my 2 bagseeds in flower next week will have my own soon.

sad, back in the day homegrown meant a bag of leaf, now it means so much more :)