Oh hooo-leee-shit man I didnt see your big cfl reflector the first time thru, I didnt look at it closely at least... TURKEY PAN!!! I thought I was the only one creative enough! I have a bunch of pics on my journal that I kinda abandoned from my first grow, you'd prob dig a few of my homemade cfl reflectors (alot like yours) I came up on two pounded aluminum reflectors that I attached sockets to for an upgrade over the cardboard/aluminum foil reflectors I started with. When I got my 400wHPS it came with a 4ft umbrella reflector that was just too big, so being the type that will try to make/aquire/re-purpose before buying new, I saw the turkey pan at ACE around thanksgiving
These are just cardboard and aluminum foil

I still use these, have been using em for seedlings, but will use for clones when the time comes (only a few, not all bulbs)

Its good to see some still have creativity! love that turkey pan dude
Your hobbit is coming along well too, much more matured than mine. My blue heavy spectrum will cause much slower growth, but will keep them really short and bushy, mines at 3" and 8 internodes! She's sporting pistils also despite the 20/4

love the auto's! she's my first so Im really curious how big she'll get under my T5's. I have a sativa bagseed thats been 12/12 since about 10days old, she's starting to pop with pistils everywhere at about 7" (only 4-5 nodes, abit stretchier since she was under a very heavy red spectrum that caused the stretch, got my spectrum dialed in now tho

no more stretch) I know how big I can get em, Im kinda curious how small now. Ill find my middle ground eventually