400w MH/HPS Grow Tent: Afghan Ryder, C99 Hybrid + more


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, ordered the equipment not long ago to start this grow. this week it all came in and my babies are already sprouted so here we go.
first ill give you a run down of my equipment

-400w Cool Tube MH/HPS w/ digital ballast (Apollo brand i believe)
-22"x36"x68" generic tent i got online
-4" 190CFM rated inline fan with carbon filter combo
-fox farm nutrients (to be purchased)


i planted the following [ALL FEMINIZED; from attitude seed bank]

3x Afghan Kush Ryders
1x C99 Hybrid
1x Bubblegummer
1x Barney's Farm Liberty Haze
1x Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit
7 Total Plants

i forget the brand of soil (i'm away on business; will update when back), but I'm using 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage.

EDIT- this is a link to the soil i used as a base before mixing perlite and peat moss:


* the Afghan Ryders will be done in 3.5 Liter pots since they will ostensibly be smaller than the others.

the mixture was about 70% soil with the other 30% split 1/2 and 1/2 with perlite and peat moss. the soil i got says it feeds for 9 months so idk how this will affect my planned nute cycles (i'm afraid i'll get nute burn) but that is a subject to be discussed somewhat further down the line when i reach that point, i suppose. i wanted to use fox farm ocean forest but time dictated that i not wait for it to be shipped to me.

right now, the babies are still in the seed starter cells that i used to get em going. i plopped those beans right in the soil and let them do their thing instead of germinating w/ the paper towel method. they are under 2x40 watt fluorescent daylight tubes until i get home this weekend and can setup the tent and 400 watt, etc. after 3 days in the soil they all had sprouted with the exception of the Sweet Deep Grapefruit. Also, the Bubblegummer did something quite strange. i planted the seeds all about 1/4" under the soil and the Gummer's root appears to have sprouted through the surface instead of heading down into the soil. this seems quite weird and backwards to me as i would expect mother nature to dictate which direction the root goes once they pop. i can't imagine why the root would have come upwards towards the light.. in any case, i let the root looking thing sit out in the light on top for a day or two to see what happened and i am pretty confident that doing so screwed that plant because i added more soil over it once i realized nothing was happening and there is still no new sprout a couple days down the line.

no sign of life from the grapefruit after 5 days.

since the other 4 babies are rocking and rolling already, i plan on starting an OG Kush bean as well as another two (of my friends choice since i am out of beans at the moment) to substitute for our losses and keep them not far behind the others since 7 plants is really what we wanted to do with this op. the plan is to do 3 auto flower (the afghan kush ryders) so that we can crop those after 2 months and then have the other 4 big girls still finishing under the 400 by themselves for another month. this way, we get some smoke after a short period and still manage to give the other girls the attention and space that they need by themselves in the grow tent.

if there is anything else i forgot to add in terms of this first post ill try and add the info. anyone is free to comment and question or critique this grow through its entirety. this is my second grow and is way more professional than my first so i am hoping to get some quality medicine at the end of it. it isn't hugely important but i am growing for medicinal purposes. i was in a physically traumatic accident a couple years ago that has since left me with chronic back pain everyday. purchasing the amount of product I've ended up needing has become too burdensome financially so this is the route i'm taking.

thanks for stopping by i look forward to hearing from everyone. pix of the babies to come later today!


Well-Known Member
this is a pic from them on their 2nd day above the soil. its hard to tell what is what in this picture but in the next pic i put up ill try and explain which are which. they are all doing about the same for now anyway

DAY 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sounds exactly like my setup except you're growing in dirt and I use waterfarm. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
here is the pic from day 5, guys.

the arrangement is this, I'm gonna diagram it out with the names below:

Grapefruit.....Afghan Ryder...Bubblegummer..C99 Hybrid
Liberty Haze..Afghan Ryder...Afghan Ryder....empty

as you can see, the grapefruit didn't sprout as well as the bubblegummer... the bubblegummer and c99 seeds were in my car for the entire summer last year so idk how the c99 was even viable given that it was in such hot temps during the day for nearly 3 months lol. but I'm not complaining. Anyway, since the gummer and grapefruit didn't come up i'm gonna plant an OG Kush seed in there today so we have 6 girls going. After the Ryders crop out well have the 3 big girls in there getting all of our attention :-P :-P



Well-Known Member
Sounds exactly like my setup except you're growing in dirt and I use waterfarm. Good luck!

thanks for stopping by, i'm hoping they come out nice... i really pulled out all of the stops for the grow this time. this weekend ill have them all under 400w MH in the grow tent in the 5 gal buckets. i don't think they look bad by any means though given they are all only under an 80w fluoro at the moment


Active Member
the soil i got says it feeds for 9 months so idk how this will affect my planned nute cycles (i'm afraid i'll get nute burn)
flush it often and use half nut and im gonna watch this grow, good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
flush it often and use half nut and im gonna watch this grow, good luck and keep us posted.

+ rep . thank you for the input. i started a thread over in the nutrients section about this question for my grow specifically so ill keep u posted.. won't have to deal with this for a while hopefully but i want to cover all of my bases early.


Well-Known Member
got a little update for everyone tonight. first, take a bong rip, blunt rip, anything you got, because today was a good day for the grow. and i'm excited :weed:

okay, here we go.

i finally got the tent set up along with the 400w light and ducting, exhaust, etc. i estimated about an hour and a half start to end setup time but it ended up taking over 2 hours even with another set of hands. this wasn't terribly surprising but it has been over a year since my first grow and i forgot how time consuming and labor-intensive of an undertaking these projects actually become. it was quite refreshing actually. it felt good to use adequate equipment for the first time, let me tell you. when that HID metal halide flicked on she was brighter than i expected. I'm buckled in and ready to see what she can do though.

we had a tough time fitting all of our plants in the tent in the pots we wanted to use. in fact, it was impossible to fit them in the tent with our original 5 gallon buckets. whoops. anyway, we used smaller pots for the afghan ryders and managed to squeeze in two 5 gallons for the c99 and the liberty haze. we still have a dinafem og kush seed waiting to pop her head by sometime tomorrow i'd guess so that should be just fun trying to fit HER in too. i think my partner and i underestimated the size of the tent by a factor of something large. however, were making it work and i'm confident going forward. i knew this would be a learning process and that kinks in the road would arise. i also feel good with how we've worked some of them out already.

for example, after attaching the 6-4 inch reducer flanges to each end of the cool tube, it was too wide to even fit parallel in the tent, it justttt barely fits going diagonally across the tent so this is how its going to work i suppose. maybe if i got 6 inch ducting and cut out the reducer flanges it would be easier right now its gonna be like this though..

we also had some trouble with the rope ratchets that came with our light and ballast... ill post a pic tomorrow of them so you guys can take a peek but neither of us could figure out how the hell they operate. they didn't come with instructions. in any case, we used some spare shoe strings to hang the lights. its hard to explain exactly how we did it but its not going to be a problem lowering or adjusting height, and yes, they are secure.

i'm extremely impressed with the digital ballast that came with our light and cool tube. it is damn near silent and only feels warm to the touch. i feel like that was a good call going digital.

i picked up a soil ph tester and moisture meter from the dro shop this morning. after transplanting the girls from their starter cells into their pots and giving em a solid first soak, the soil ph on every pot measured 6.8... :-P i've only used tap water and store bottled water to water so far until i got the chance to start letting the tap sit out for 24 hrs and pick up some ph up and down in addition to a water ph tester. this project has now cost over $600 dollars but i feel as if its going to pay off in the end. we'll see.

i'm running them on a 20/4 light schedule under the 400w halide for another two weeks, maybe longer if we decide to top the photoperiods. the night temp is 75 when i just checked after the light went off for 45 min or so. i have a AC in the room as well and I'm still working on dialing in where it needs to be set for a steady 75-78 degrees during lights on. its a 520 watt AC and its gonna cost more money in electric but like i said above, we're pulling out all the stops this grow and really trying to get the best yield and quality possible.

fox farm trio nutrients are arriving early this week in a few days and we will start very light veg nutes (i forget if its the big bloom or grow big at the moment) probably around 1/8-1/4 strength as soon as we get em. i want to make up for the fact that they had to sit under an 80w fluoro tube for almost a week while i was away.

enough talking for a sec, here are the pics of the setup. any comments or suggestions welcome. we have a carbon filter that we are just gonna hold off on installing until they start to smell, which i reckon will be in another 25 days or so.

photo 2.jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5.jpg

PS- if these pictures are disoriented please tell me. it appears as if some are upside down and others are sideways after i upload them and put them here but when i view them normally on my computer outside of seeing them here they are the right orientation? this has happened to me before and i never got an answer as to why from anyone. so if you have any ideas please let me know as this might become very annoying.

i know in the picture that the bottom tent opening for an intake duct is flapped shut. i fixed it after i took the picture so its now helping to maintain a good intake flow. as you can see, I'm doing passive intake. when bloom hits I'm gonna buy more duct so that light seepage isn't an issue.

if anyone has experience with moisture meters for soil please let me know the guidelines i should use or go with. i'm about to do some searching on here as I'm sure theres some info out there but just figured id ask.

i guess thats about it for now. ill probably update in a few days when some growth starts really kicking it. my partner and i have a bet going regarding their size by this weekend. i bet him that they would at least double their size from the first 7 days above ground. he has his doubts. ... we will see.

if you made it this far through my ramble then i thank you for checking in and stopping by. this is going to get interesting sooooon

:leaf::leaf::leaf:peace love


Well-Known Member
hey guys i added a 12 inch oscillating fan in there today to help with air flow and stem strengthening. the girls look like they took a healthy boost in growth from being in proper conditions now already ! the water bottle thing you see next to the temperature and humidity monitor is the bottom half of a water bottle covering the starter cell with the OG seed in it. she should pop by tomorrow I'm hoping or late tonight even .

day 10.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey guys, just a FYI, my partner for the grow will be joining us on the thread and throughout RIU very shortly. his handle is highbye. if you see him posting, he's essentially updating the journal or posting info in lieu of myself. he doesn't have the experience i do, but he's eager to learn and he's getting there day by day... any one of us knows how it is. so give him a warm welcome if you see him on here and don't be afraid to contribute. i want all of us to get something out of this journal and grow.

:leaf:peace love


Well-Known Member
biggest news today was that the OG kush finally sprouted. went in and made couple small changes today to the setup. i raised the plants higher to the light and added the aluminum foil over the top of the cool tube as i was proposing doing in a different thread yesterday. i know the risks of hotspotting, etc, but if you compare photos i feel like it is concentrating the light way better down on the girls. if it causes problems it will only take 2 seconds to take off so no biggie.

also going out and getting a water ph tester today with ph up and down.

photo 2-1.jpgphoto 1-1.jpg

edit- i got the nutes today and fed each plant excluding the og sprout with 8 oz of water with 1/8 of the recommended strength Grow Big and Big Bloom nutrients


Well-Known Member
watered last night with only big bloom nutrients. it says safe enough to use every feeding so i figured id just go with that this time around. they look SLIGHTLY nute burned from the first feeding (too early?) but its all good, growth is still quick and abundant. here are some pics

afghan ryder
photo 3.jpg

all the girls :)
photo 2.jpg
new glass...
photo 1.jpg
liberty haze
photo 4.jpg

c-99 hybrid
photo 5.jpg.

also transplanted the OG last night. she's thriving too. more updates when some other stuff happens.. this is the boring part of the grow, i know....

stay high


Well-Known Member
watered the OG sprout. going to water rest of the ladies tonight. everything looks healthy and normal. pics in another couple days

planning to start 12/12 in 6 days. temps have been staying between 78-82... i'd prefer mid 70s but its been easy to keep it at 80 so i'm not complaining. humidity hangs between 35-48

edit- watered the rest of the girls tonight around 10 pm. moved them closer to the light now. probably only 10 inches away from light. i will be monitoring for changes since they are closer now. i put my wrist under it and it didn't burn and I've been told on here that that is a good way to tell if it is too hot for your babies. updates to come...


Looks good bro keep up the good work:) I started feeding nutes since i germinated so yea... They look healthy though.


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro keep up the good work:) I started feeding nutes since i germinated so yea... They look healthy though.
thanks for stopping by crash. my soil is heavily fertilized (says feeds 9 months?) so i was worried about burn... ill post some pics in tomorrow's update and well get the consensus.. some leaves look burned to me but as i said before its extremely slight


Well-Known Member
og was dry as shit this morning so i watered with 1/8 strength big bloom and grow big nutes. left the others alone. i also moved the plants higher to the light last night so now they are about 10 inches away at the furthest point. temps are still reading 77-81 during lights on at canopy level though so i don't think i'm roasting them. i was gonna put up pics today but i think ill wait until tomorrow.

wicked og

Hey man nice grow I see ur running 400 watts I recently purchased a 3x3 tent & wanaa run with a 400 as well the tents inline holes r 6 in wud I need a 6 in inline fan to keep my teps down?or can I use a 4in inline fan instead?I wana have perfect tempts or atleast cose hopefully u can answer my question dude n sorry for hijackin ur thread bro just a question so I can get things going


Well-Known Member
yea my holes are setup for 6 inches but with 4 inch ducting it still fits snug... my cool tube is 6 inches so i use 6 to 4 inch duct reducers on each side and one pulls air from top of tent, the other side pulls across the light and out the top to the exhaust 4 inch inline. my temps are 77-84 during lights on and i have a 5,000btu air conditioner unit running high during the day on max and it keeps it 82 tops. my room is like 9x8 ft. my daytime weather here is like 85-high 80s with high humidity. hope this helps, let me know if i can further assist, you aren't thread jacking. i hope i can help

if you can run a cool tube or air cooled hood, or some kind of ventilation that keeps temps right regarding your setup, you can put the light hella close. my light is like 12 inches away and still temps are 84 canopy level tops ever and that isn't for more than a couple of hours. after moving them that close after having em about 18 inches away growth has TAKEN OFF. keep plants close!! I'm already envisioning what kind of growth I've lost already :sad:..

staying positive. keep going friends


Well-Known Member
ladies are really getting big :-) i opened the tent today and nearly smiled for five minutes ha ha.. what a beautiful sight. i watered with 1/6 strength big bloom and grow big.

can anyone tell me what is potentially wrong with one of my afghan ryders? its leaves look a bit yellow i cant tell if its from nute burn or from a nitrogen deficiency... its the only one looking different and if you read my updates i havent used nutes but only a few times in the past week and a half which seems about right. and until now i was going 1/8 strength.

here are some pics

Afghan Kush Ryder

Afghan Kush Ryder (look at the yellowish new growth..?)

OG Kush (surprisingly small i think? growth seems slow)

Afghan Kush Ryder

C-99 Hybrid (she's really off to the races :-P )

Liberty Haze

The tent

temps staying 77-82