400W MH question


Active Member
How hot does a 400w MH get? I'm about to order the agromax original 39x39x79 would I have heat issues if I went with the 400W MH?


Well-Known Member
Hey there. Well, it's kinda hard to say. Depends on the ambient temp somewhat. My garage is where my tent is. In the winter it gets pretty cold and the temps are never a problem and I have the same size tent. In the summer, it's a different story. Temps got pretty high, but once I added a 6" vortex fan the temps aren't bad at all. If your outside temps are warm then, of course, your tent will tend to be warmer;and if it's colder outside then the inside of the tent will be cooler too, all else being equal.

My best advise would be to always have an extraction fan of some sort to suck cooler, outside air into the tent while exhausting the warmer air. The more airflow you have through the tent, the better it is.

Hope that helps a little...I'm kinda baked.