400w Organic Grow: Flowering Has Begun


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

this is my 4th grow and my girls have been under 12/12 for 13 days.

I'm doing 3 strains (check my journal for strain background), in soil, and using the entire BioBizz line plus some extras ;)

I let my girls veg for 2 weeks (got them as rooted clones) then switched the lights.

Flowering has definitely begun :weed:

Here's one of the Soma's. I'm loving how bushy my plants have turned out. For reference, they're all in 2 gallon pots:

Here's a Sage'n'Sour. probably a meter high, and very branchy:

and one of the 2 Ice. The smallest plants in this grow. Definitely more suitable for a SOG grow. Oh well...



Well-Known Member
DAY 16 of 12/12:

Unfortunately I had to kill the smallest plant (one of the Ice) cuz of a spider mite infestation; as well as the fact that it was too short to get any decent light exposure.

So i'm down to 6 now. Normally I'd be worried but given the size of these girls six is all I can keep in the room right now; as next week I'll be adding a CO2BOOST pump to my room.

Here's the canopy:

One of the Somas:

And one of the Sage'n'Sours:



Well-Known Member
looking good SM very bushy girls you have there. Sorry to hear about the spider mites, how did you detect them?


Well-Known Member
Thanks John :)

well as you know spider mites are really tiny, and by the time you spot them the damage is already done. I noticed that one of my Ice plants was unusually small, and that some of the lower leaves had white spots on top.

I thought it was a deficiency at first, then looked at the undersides of the leaves and spotted a few spider mites and what I think were their eggs. I immediately gutted that plant and misted the others plants neem oil just to be on the safe side. So far though I haven't seen any others, and besides Soma is supposed to be super-resistant to spider-mites.

This was my first time encountering these f'n pests. Hopefully the last.


looking great SM! i'm just moving into a 2 400w hps/mh set up (my girls just cracked). seeing beauties like this - minus your ice, rip - gives a guy a lot of hope.


Well-Known Member
Here's the nute line-up. Not pictured are the Alg-a-Mic, molasses and organic red vinegar for pH down:



Well-Known Member
Girls just completed day 24 of 12/12.

Spotted some spider mite on one of the Soma's so I sprayed all my girls with neem oil.

Otherwise they're pretty healthy.

Here's a side by side of a Soma (left) and Sage'n'Sour:

Close-up of the Soma:




Well-Known Member
today my girls just completed day 30 of 12/12 :clap:

two of my plants' tops got a little burnt by the HPS but nothing too serious. I've raised the lights a bit and temps are definitely down.

Unfortunately my camera's battery just died so I couldn't take nicer pics of the plants out of the Homebox as I usually do.

But these will have to do. 1st off the family shot (note the scrawny Ice is no where to be seen in the pic. What a useless plant definitely better for a SOG):

One of the Soma:


The Soma's are definitely further along. Then again they should be as they are pure skunks. I', guessing harvest for those will be in about 4 weeks. Which is perfect is I'm smoking my last Sour Diesel joint from my last harvest :cry:


Well-Known Member
i hope a lot, as this is the fewest number of plants I've grown in a single grow. Plus I started with 8 clones. Two of them didn't make it for very different reasons, and one of the remaining six (Ice) is just useless. But I definitely prefer fewer bigger plants than a SOG style.


Well-Known Member
as promised, better pics of my girls at day 31 of 12/12.

i killed the last remaining Ice. Down to two strains.

Here's a S'n'S (left) and a Soma:





Well-Known Member
Day 38 of 12/12

Haven't updated in a while.

This grow started with 8 plants, 3 starins. I'm now down to 4 plants from 2 strains :(

I had to leave for a few nights so I gave my plants a big watering before bouncing. When I came back it looked like one of te S'n'S plants died from overwatering :s weird shit.

It's not all bad though, as one less plant meant I had the space to install one of these today. All organic ;)

Here's the last remaining S'n'S (my biggest plants yet!):

And one of the Soma:

I'll get better pics up on Monday, as I'll aslo be coppin some clones to get a perpetual grow going since i have the extra room. I'll probably go with 2 now (maybe PPP) and 2 more once I harvest the Somas.

Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
As promised, some better pics of my girls.

Here's the last Sage'n'Sour with at least another month to go:

and one of the 3 Somas, probably 3 weeks 'til harvest:



Well-Known Member
Day 45 of 12/12

Just fed my plants with the same ol' combo of BioBloom, BioHeaven, TopMax liquid guano plus molasses.

Here's the family shot:

I gotta say, the Somas are looking really good and probably only have 10 days or two weeks tops to go. I'll feed them one more time next week then flush :weed:

Here's one of 'em:


lower bud:

and the monster Sage'n'Sour with at least another month to go. Should be well worth it:
