400w RDWC, Stealth-ish Large Closet- Starbud & Sour Amnesia - Reboot


4 Site RDWC in a large closet.

The action so far:

4 seeds planted, kept at a cozy temps for germination. Inoculated germination water with Hydroguard as a preventative.

2 Starbud (Feminized - Cannabis Cup winner)
2 Sour Amnesia

Starting with a freshly cleaned system - able to maintain .7ppm bleach levels easily in RES water with clean system.

A new beginning. Last attempt ended in Pythium / root rot failure. Easiest way to recover was to flush and reboot. Will see if system is permanently contaminated - or if I can be keep the 'hydro-herpes' away this time. Details of system and last grow can be seen here. Basically, it is a under current replica type of setup.

Flushed the res, PH balanced some new water. Added SOS (super organic stimulator) which is a mix of beneficial bacteria. A system innoculant, I flushed the pots and rocks. Seedlings had small taproot out of bottom of rockwool, they were transplanted into netpots. Kind of early - but I had a free moment last night. Trying some new rock medium too, PH soaked it overnight. Photos of the little babies:

1/24 (5 days)

and Sour Amnesia


Glad to have some company. Thanks.

Added some low-level nutes last night. Plants continue to take root, nothing out of net-pot yet. Dropping temps down to lower 70s to assist in keeping RES cool. Dropped water to 1" below netpots, since the media and small rockwool cube were saturated. Turned air bubbles back on. I guess the launch, so far, is successful.


Well, checked in tonight to see one seedling looking droopy. Checked water, brown-ish cloudy! Fook. Pythium. Again.

I've done everything right except sterilize the room - which must be the root cause, so to speak. What the hell can they be eating to multiply?! The benefical bacteria I've been adding? I have no roots in the water yet and no organic nutrients. Seems impossible, given my RES temps have not broken 71 - and they only hit 70 for a few hours on two occasions.

Plans for the girls? Harvest and smoke.. if I get that far. May try the BB Tea once more.

Drained system - added some major bleach in the res to sterilize. Will hand water the plants with some h2o2 water for a bit to see if I can get roots to show. Hopefully, healthy ones.


Yesterday, did a drain and refill with Physan 20 to sterilize the RDWC. Flushed netpots with some PH adjusted H2o2.

Dropped water level so all 4 netpots are 'quarantined'. Will just top feed for a few days and see what happens. Roots are just peeking out of three of the four.

Can you spot the one that tipped me off (c'mon, this is easy)? We will see where this goes. I'm about one step away from tossing all RDWC equipment and going to drain to waste with some airpots. Seems so simple in comparison to the BS that RDWC is putting me through.

2 Starbuds - tips look like nute burn, although nutes never exceeded 200ppm

Sour Amnesia - One is actually looking very good.


Brewed another tea. Local hydro shop (both of them) recommend not adding EWC to brew.

Drained the Physan 20 from the RES. Refilled with light nutes (200ppm). Inoculated RES with the beneficials. Added a small net bag of rocks for the bennies to live in, since I have about three roots touching the water. Inoculated netpots individually. Lowered water to 1" below netpots.

Plants look like they like it, responding with new growth and roots. All roots are white. One seedling still looks droopy - but less droopy. Time will tell.