400w vs 600w HPS???

anyone have an idea of how much better a yield would be just based off a switch from 400w HPS to 600w HPS?

and would it be worth the extra cash?
trying to get the best bang for my buck for my first grow


Well-Known Member
oh yes deffinatly... the 600 has nearly twice as many luminas then the 400... if heat aint an issue then get the 600... if u dont ull always wonder if u shuld have and u know u should have
oh yes deffinatly... the 600 has nearly twice as many luminas then the 400... if heat aint an issue then get the 600... if u dont ull always wonder if u shuld have and u know u should have
is the heat output significantly more? i was looking at getting a hood with a duct hole in it so i could just suck the heat out, or would it be fine if going that route?


Well-Known Member
im not sure.. i have a 400 and a 1k... if u have a hood that sux it out u should be good to go.. i jus mean ur space and vent system.. like if ur in cralwspace with no vents u mite want the 400 but bang for buk... 600 is what u want.... as long as u got good venting system for ur area ur good to go


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info, now i just gotta decide from the hundreds out there on what strain to grow...lol
hahhah, ya the lighing is an ez 1... the smoke u wanna smoke is a tuffy... get a verity... "pick n mix seeds" deals with like 20 seed banks, many well known.... u can order single seeds from them to with no minimum oreder.... if u see sumthin u like, check the seed bank it comes from and see what u ca find on here bout the bank and the strain.... lots of banks have the same strain at diff prices and dif grades.... 1 bank coulda used a really good mom and a shitty dad to make the seeds, where an other has used solid 2 parents... good luck! i have used them and they r promp and discreet... they r like a midle man, they get the seeds from the banks and give them to u so its not like they breed the plants


Well-Known Member
I don't know what your ambient room temps are but I would get a vented hood like you suggested. My grows have been much better since I got a Cool Tube, and I run a 600W Lumatek HPS.


It kinda depends on your grow area too. Don't wanna spend the extra cash on extra lumens, if you don't need it. Many people have awesome grows by using fluorescents and stuff so the fact you are using HID means you already got the best light out there. But if you have only 4 plants or less, the 600 is kinda unneccessary. Of course more light means faster growth, bigger buds, and overall bigger plant, but between the 400 and the 600 I don't think its gonna be a noticeable difference for a smaller grow area.


As for seeds...Order from HGS man, i'm tellin you they are the shit. They gurantee shipment, and their strands have great genetics. Their blueberry is the most delicious bud i've ever had


Heard great things about the doc as well. Its funny though because one person will not get their seeds and say such bad things about the Doc. But the fact is... you are ordering illegal stuff you can't expect it to be 100% guranteed.


Well-Known Member
Heard great things about the doc as well. Its funny though because one person will not get their seeds and say such bad things about the Doc. But the fact is... you are ordering illegal stuff you can't expect it to be 100% guranteed.
True, but some vendors like Attitude offer guaranteed shipping with stealth option.


True, but some vendors like Attitude offer guaranteed shipping with stealth option.
I understand that, and so does HGS i'm jus sayin... if ordering from the states...Any package can get picked up by customs and tossed. I believe the seller will always ship. The complaints come mostly from people in the U.S. that don't get there seeds because they don't pass the border like I said, and that's not the vendors fault. So you can't expect 100% because of the chance of the package getting scanned, looks suspicous, so they toss it. So therefore, the DR. is not at fault for these many accusations people throw out there against the Doc. Simply put, the doc get's a bad rep sometimes for things he can't control


Well-Known Member
Dittos. I could have got a 1,000 for the same price as the 400 I ended up with but with a limited grow space it would have been overkill and mighty hot.


Well-Known Member
Only downside I feel there is with a 600, is bulb availability. I can roll over to HD or Lowes and get a 400 (and even think a 1000). So just grab a spare bulb.


Well-Known Member
not a problem theres a nice grow shop only 20min from my house and they got all the goods
Well there ya go! go 600W if heat ain't an issue (though I *think* the heat from a 600 vs 400 don't amount to a hill of beans. But I'll let others take the reigns on that, since I don't have a 600W) But I'll toss out there DO get a argi-use bulb, not a standard bulb.