*400watt dwc grow*

Hey all
well after much research and perpetration Ive come to the stage where i can plant my little babies in there new home

system setup

*grow room is 1380mm x 1710mm x 500mm (length ' hight ' width)

*400watt hps light

*110 lph air pump with 8inch air stones

*five 20L buckets four inside the room and one outside witch acts as the res

*220gph pump feeding all the buckets

*150 mm intake and a 250 mm centrifugal exhaust fan (yet too buy a phat filter for it)

I had 6 seeds in a cup of water over 24 hours and then placed them into rockwool inside netpots in the dwc system that was on the 5/6/11 the light is 90cm above the netpots and is doing a 16 on 8 off cycle.

Ive been keeping the ph at round 6.0 too 6.5 and the temp of the water is staying around 51.5f (10.5c)

nutes i will be using are
CANNA veg A n B

ill upload some pics of it all when i get a seed head pop up and say hello

wish me luck :D

update time bongsmilie
only one sprouted witch is depressing some what but oh well you win some you loose some i guess anywho
She's 6 days old now and seems too be growing quite well.

PH is at 5.8 and staying there the temp problem was due too my faulty temp monitor ! :mad:

now the temp is anywhere from 71f too 77f ( 20c - 25.5c ) and Ive lowered to light some more too about 60cm from the head of the wee girl and she seemed to respond positively too that :mrgreen:

will keep you all posted

ps. the light timings are 18 on 6 off what i posted first off was a typo
some new pics of the little one 9 days old
started putting canna vega A and B in the res on friday will slowly add more as she gets bigger :D
PH is stable at 5.8 temp has jumped up too 80F (27C) my solution to that was a ice cream container ice block seems to be working

everything is going well atm *cross fingers*
well she's 2 weeks old now :-P

only prob is the leaves are drooping I've searched around on what it could be but cant put my finger on it sense theres so many possibilities :-


dose it look bad or am i worrying about nothing ?



Active Member
Hey... got an update? I was having similar problem... here's what I did. Better ventilation, let my tap water sit for 3 days before feeding and switched to the lucas formula.