400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude


Well-Known Member
Sorry for asking this in your thread Sicc but I figured this would be a good place to ask with how many people follow yours. I can't remember whose thread I saw it on but someone had a link in their sig for making a grow box for around $50 using a plastic cabinet form Wal-Mart. Anyone know who that was? I want to make one where I don't need to worry about light leaks and that is more stealth.

*edit -- Cancel that. I found it. It is called "Ditty makes a $57 grow box in 22 minutes w/ pix"
I'm using the same box for my cab. works well but light leaks are a SERIOUS problem. Had to put like 4 or 5 coats of black paint on the outside and line the inside with car reflectors to block out MOST of the light. it works for me though. just a word of caution.

BTW: Lookin good SICC.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for asking this in your thread Sicc but I figured this would be a good place to ask with how many people follow yours. I can't remember whose thread I saw it on but someone had a link in their sig for making a grow box for around $50 using a plastic cabinet form Wal-Mart. Anyone know who that was? I want to make one where I don't need to worry about light leaks and that is more stealth.

*edit -- Cancel that. I found it. It is called "Ditty makes a $57 grow box in 22 minutes w/ pix"
You know I got my cabinet for free, mind you I am using a full size fridge for my growing cabinet which works out great since it starts out being air tight from the start so if you have some free time take a look on craigslist for a free fridge. I found one in 3 days, you just need to find one that works for your space & setup. I have been using it for 5 grows so far and every round gets beter so maybe look into one of those. And they are stealth for sure I have had many people in my garage where the fridge is and I have yet to have a question on what is inside

Sorry about this SICC just trying to help out the new folks

Good luck



Well-Known Member
You know I got my cabinet for free, mind you I am using a full size fridge for my growing cabinet which works out great since it starts out being air tight from the start so if you have some free time take a look on craigslist for a free fridge. I found one in 3 days, you just need to find one that works for your space & setup. I have been using it for 5 grows so far and every round gets beter so maybe look into one of those. And they are stealth for sure I have had many people in my garage where the fridge is and I have yet to have a question on what is inside

Sorry about this SICC just trying to help out the new folks

Good luck

pics !:peace:


Well-Known Member
he cut out the center and attached the doors so the top and the bottom are one unit. i would say about the size of yours, just one whole unit. smooth 4 inch pvc throughout for ventilation so it is quite.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4599056]Feel free to post anything you want in here lol.
Its all good.[/QUOTE]In that case.
There once was a hermit named Dave.
Dave found a dead who*e in a cave.
Dave said with a grunt oh what a nice cu#t
and look at the money I'll save.


Well-Known Member
I've tried foliar feeding in the past with mixed results. It's really easy to burn and stress your plants so be careful. A weak, plain compost tea works well but don't mix any nutes into it, or get the Dutch Master stuff. I'm pretty sure there are a few others out there too. Sounds like Livehigh knows what he's doing. I tend to take it easy on feeding because I don't want to over do it and probably could feed them a little more often with regular nutes. About once a week works for me, but if I notice any sort of deficiencies I'm going to step it up.
I saw a side by side w.ith dutch masters liquid light on 3 plants one plant on one side got sprayed the middle plant just got some over spray and the other none. the plant that got sprayed was literally 3x the size as the one that didnt and the one that just got some mist was almost twice as big.... so i was just wondering why you said not to use it?


Well-Known Member
