400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude


Well-Known Member
So did everyone submit there form to keep there user name or what ?????
I did I dont really know why everyone thinks RIU is gonna try to bust us and shit now. Or who gives a fuck if they sell your email BS usually goes to the spam folder and ur email is bought and sold every day. come the fuck on anytime you buy or sign up for ANYTHING it ask for your email phone number and everything and EVERYTIME it gets sold lol dont know about you but i love this site and speedyseedz and personally dont give a fuck if they make a few bucks off my email everyone else is why not a site i actually use?


Well-Known Member
i did i dont really know why everyone thinks riu is gonna try to bust us and shit now. Or who gives a fuck if they sell your email bs usually goes to the spam folder and ur email is bought and sold every day. Come the fuck on anytime you buy or sign up for anything it ask for your email phone number and everything and everytime it gets sold lol dont know about you but i love this site and speedyseedz and personally dont give a fuck if they make a few bucks off my email everyone else is why not a site i actually use?
preech! Preech!


Well-Known Member
Its not the point of getting busted, i can really care less, but im not giving my email to some 3rd party company, its that simple.


Well-Known Member
i understand both sides here. there is a lot of principal involved. kind of like being betrayed by telling a secret to a buddy and them telling everyone else. some people could care less, others need that confidence in the other party to be trusted.


Well-Known Member
Its not about Trust or Principal, I signed up to RIU, thats it lol
Im not gonna give out my email just to use this website, that owes me and anyone else who comes on here for even signing up.


Well-Known Member
A lil update on the Ladies, Gonna harvest the SCxNL Tomorrow or Saturday, then the JHxSLxHJ's on Sunday. After that the 5 clones i got vegging that will be thrown into flower Sunday night at 10pm bongsmilie

Ima take Before, and after pics when i harvest, and I'll do a cola comparison as requested.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Just saw your pre harvest pics man and they look kill! Does that Super Skunk smell anything like the roadkill shit from back in the day?


Well-Known Member
All the super skunks Ive seen don't come through with smell like the skunk number 1. I always look for a good grape smell with super skunk after cure. What does yours smell like SICC ??

I have never grown this strain my self but have smoked it many times and my bros have grown it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its not too skunky, like a Pine Forest and Mild Skunky smell, its still hanging tho, we'll see once i jar it.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4712194]Yeah its not too skunky, like a Pine Forest and Mild Skunky smell, its still hanging tho, we'll see once i jar it.[/QUOTE]
i like the sound of the pine forrest mane i bet once you jar it it will bring out more sugars and you might get a good blend of the skunk and pine that wuld be sweet bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4712194]Yeah its not too skunky, like a Pine Forest and Mild Skunky smell, its still hanging tho, we'll see once i jar it.[/QUOTE]

its funny, i live in the Pine state, NC. a pine forest may not smell like you think. it really doesnt smell, but maybe thats because I have lived here my whole life.


Well-Known Member
its funny, i live in the Pine state, NC. a pine forest may not smell like you think. it really doesnt smell, but maybe thats because I have lived here my whole life.
im right below you and i get what you mean, but you know how it smells in spring.. all piney n shyt