4100k bulbs - good for veg just before flower?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Im reading some interesting things on color spectrums and best vs worse light options. I have a general question about what lighting to use after I transfer my plants from my starting/veg box into the grow tent for flower. The starter cabinet is 18X18X20" and I will be using 6 - 6500k 23w cfls for starting clones and seeds in this box. (probably only 2-3 plants at a time) Because the starter box isnt huge the plants can only get so big in here even with some LST.

When the plants outgrow the starter box, I plan to transfer them to my tent which is 2x4x5. I was lucky enough through work to get T5 fluorescent fixtures for free. I will be running (14) 36" T5 bulbs. I was able to take home all our remaining stock of bulbs for these fixtures. 2 types of bulbs

3000k 21watt
4100k 39 watt

I have about 35 of each bulb. My real question is do I need to buy 6500k bulbs for these T5 fixtures, or will the bulbs I have be adequate. My concern is once I transfer from the starter cabinet into my tent, the plants will still be small and I will need to veg them another few weeks to fill out the SCROG and tent size for max yield in my space. Will the 4100k bulbs be fine for this? And then when its time to flower change the bulbs to the 3000k?

A good read on this 4100k debate here-

The wattage difference in the 2 bulbs I currently have is quite large to, which makes me think leaving some 4100 39watt bulbs in even for flower may be beneficial as I can get alot more watts on the plants with 39w vs 21w. Power consumption isnt a huge issue with me, but this is only for personal smoke for me and wifey.

Am I overthinking it? Having to buy 6500k T5's 36" long will cost about $150 for 14 of them, seems a little wasteful when I have these free options at disposal and the plants will already have a good start in the cabinet under 6500k cfls. Im just not positive how big they will be when I transfer and how much bigger I will want them in the tent before I flip to flower if this all makes sence to anyone.

First time grower just trying to be prepared and make the most of what I got, appreciate all criticism, looking forward to this season!

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
to much reading a lot of stoners here . are you asking if its better to use a 4200 k before flower change it out from the 6500 to the 4200 then go to the hps ? if this is your question there will not be any advantage . get the hps up asap in flower no reason for a slow color change . also you may be reading some people change the days shorter in veg to prep the plant for flower I think that's total bs too . go from 24/7 to 12/12 no issues happy plants .


Well-Known Member
HOT5s (54w) are a better choice as they provide ~ double the umoles per square foot. However, they require stronger ballast

But to your question- you might get bit more stretch than you have height for. Best to use 6500s for ~ 30 days then switch, or blend some 6500s +4100s

I am now using Transcend Lighting LED t5s. They are30w, but 100% of the light is aiming at the plant canopy


Well-Known Member
But not exclusively for flower? Should i have some of the 3000 in there
you could mix in the 3000 with the 4100k. I have read that the higher spectrum light is good in flower to reduce stretch. I wouldn't worry too much about the color temperature. You should just do with what you have.


Well-Known Member
Well I have enough to run 4100 exclusively or 3000 exclusively, or anything in between, since its my first grow I would like a knowledgeable opinion on what will give me good results, and down the road when I have a little bud stored up I can play around and experiment a little, just looking to get a good start and strong baseline grow