42 days flowering, look real bad


Active Member
well its now 42 days 12/12 and i may have to cut two of them down because the yellowing and browning are now going into the budleafs and
no fan leaves or branch fan leaves are left (cept for one plant thats losing them fast)
still don't know what happened. last year used same methods and products and got 7 1/4 0z. this year ha ha. so if any one can see something to explain what happened please let me know so next year i avoid this kind of shit. (only do 1 a year)
used pro-mix potting soil
used an Earth box (without adding the fertilzer strip)
using 1 150 hps, 1 250 hps, and 3 psuedo 150 cfls(for under the canopy)
started plants outside mid july brought them inside sept 4 direct to 12/12
had a fan blowing into the grow area (2' by 4')
foliar fed a few differant ferts with 3 days water misting between feedings.
ph has been 6.7 to 6.9 everytime i've checked.
this grow looked good for three weeks then went south.
i may have done too much fert? calcium? heat? wet soil? bad soil? i just don't know but hoping someone may see something.
pictures--1st one is last years results after 65 days 12/12, cut down at 70 days.
2nd is 19 days this year, 3rd is 29 days, 4th is yesterday 41 days
any ideas appreciated



Well-Known Member
Was last grow a different strain? That would have to be considered. It does appear that it's been chem burned, or maybe just watered too much?

Hey, at least you won't have all that tedious trimming to do.

poo taco

Active Member
I had a similar problem with a strain I grew. I used fox farm ferts and pretty much stuck to there schedule. I thought it was the municipal water source so I switched to reverse osmosis water and do see a little difference. I noticed something that seemed like a calcium buildup in the fan leaves so that's what made me switch to filtered.

Still...yellowing fan leaves,you can see them on the plant to the right....what the hell



Active Member
I would drop the PH down to 6.4 and test the CF of the run off from watering your plants ?? Is it high ??? If so flush with something like revive or water and weak nutes ( Around 1.2 / 1.4 ) Until you get the run off of your plants to acceptable levels.


Well-Known Member
^ i used revive to heal up some outdoor plants that were taking turns for the worse...

great product


Well-Known Member
I never count anything as dead until I've tried Revive. I've seen it bring back things I could have sworn were toast.


Active Member
ok im having the same problem, and once again i find contradictions in the threads, so we established it was nute burn and a flush was advised................then someone comes along and says looks like she needs feeding. does my fucking head in

Willy Nilly

Active Member
yeah its a tough call... some more and better pics would be helpful...
I had the same problem when i used the organic ferts by fox farms. I advise the use of that stuff with a strain you know and know well. No jumpin around with strains from grow to grow, unless you're Johnny Appleseed with the green thumb to match.
On those outter pics thats burn... definitely. I did the same thing and it looked likie a 3 alarm fire when you walked in.. they were toast to say the least. I switched to GH after that in my soil grow. Absolutely hard as all get out to mess up your plants with it... i like to call it nutes for noobs.
The set of pics under natural light is interesting. I have to ask a few questions because of how leaves are yellowing and where.
What kind of light are you using? Looks like they could be yellowing because they don't enough light or the light you have isn't strong enough.
You get yellowing near the end of your cycle its natural... i'm 2 weeks out and leaves are yellowin as the plant takes nitrogen from the leaves as you begin to flush and not use nutrients.
You also have some spotting that I can see... but its not close enough to tell what it is. I've had that also... but it was from spraying for bugs to close to lights on. it could just as seaily be from a deficiency. Iron or boron or something of the like.
I'd recommend giving as much info as you can when you ask a question.
Example: Nutrients used, pH, and EC, light intensity, day of bloom... blah blah blah. I know you put some of these things in but it just an example.

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Can i ask are the fan leaves that have gone yellow or on the way to goin yellow dry and going a bit crispy and i cant see too well in the pics but has it gone from the top of the plant down rather than from the bottom up...?