420 Prep


Well-Known Member
Some here make think its stupid but please keep you rude comments too yourself. NO Flamers please. This thread is all about good vibes and people. So I am prepping for 420 tomorrow even though were on a short supply. Marinating some Gringo Carne Asada for tomorrows festivities. got 4 strains to smoke tomorrow. Anyone having friends over or going to a party. If you live in SD and are bored and not a psycho come on over. BYOB. PM me for details
Nice man, sounds like some good eats at your place. Gonna be heading over to a buddy's place tomorrow bright and early in the morning. If the weather allows us then we are gonna be outside smoking it up, BBQing and chillin with some beers in hand having a good time. Each person is bringing at least an ounce and all of our pieces so we can hit up each one. Plenty of blunts and joints will be rolled as well.
Won't be in SD but I'll be in Frisco at Hippie Hill, so I guess you can say I'm getting together with about 2,000 people who can become friends really fast, lol. Happy toking for tomorrow, I still need to get a connect of some just ran dry last night of course!
Only preperation is make sure I'm not in jail like I was when I tried to go to Marley fest This past sat n stayed n jail, fuk that suk'd, n make sure I'm good on green
Carne Asada is in the fridge marinating, buds are broken up into portions. Still have to cut all the veggis for dinner and make some brownies. Not sure what movies were going to watch but its going to be a good day unless I get a call that says your hired you have to work tomorrow but that would be better than any 420 celebration. Also trying to get a job as a lodge chef up in AK for the summer.
If by SD you mean lower Manhattan, then yea, I should be around. But if you in fact mean San Diego, which by the way, translation has lost meaning throughout time, but the last record was that San Diego means a whales vagina. Just thought I'd throw that out there for ya. Would you look at that, I made a funny. Sounds like a fun time. Wish I was in Cali.