420 TV on 420


Active Member
Wow. G4 TV... I don't watch the channel that much. But, I was watching cops and G4 has a whole day dedicated to weed. Is that mega or what? They will be playing marijuana related movies, marijuana related TV Shows and etc. All on April 20th 420

Anybody going to be watching?


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy...i def get that channel and i'll be watching forsure! i checked the schedule, the good shit starts round 7 pm eastern...


Well-Known Member
its only going to be half baked and super high me
no sir, you are wrong on this one my friend!! well, just partly wrong, they'll be showing those films along with an hour long episode of Attack of the Show! entitled "420 Special", also, at 1 am eastern code monkeys has tommy chong in "The Story of 420" and after that X-Play has "X-Play's One Hour Trip" where they explore the trippiest video games..enjoy 4/20 everyone, and remember, you can't OD on weed, hahaha....peace:weed:



Well-Known Member
I've already set reminders in case I get distracted watching other things. I'm gonna watch 'Heroes' of course, but not until my friend gets out of work... not watching it when it airs in other words. So G4 and 4/20 will be my bag, baby!


Well-Known Member
yea they did this last year, they do a pretty good job
they went to Jamaica and did shrooms, and went to the worlds largest bong store on attack of the show


Well-Known Member
yea they did this last year, they do a pretty good job
they went to Jamaica and did shrooms, and went to the worlds largest bong store on attack of the show
thats fucking awesome dude!! i've def noticed their 420 friendly, i mean, they work with video games and every game geek i've ever met was a huge stoner, myself included..


Well-Known Member
this is not the first time they have done this thy did it last year too!! i get it my free to air receiver picks up every thing!! i get my files at fta-gods.com great site!!i use a pansat receiver i get 100 free channels on 123w and get into some others too;)


Well-Known Member
tomarro is April 20 or 4/20 now I get it. daa slow and stoned. That family Guy "Bag of Weed" video was funny. I TiVo'd it.