420 what are you doing?


Well-Known Member
It's funny. I always seem to look at the clock right at 420. Maybe my brain is wired that way. I thought it would be fun for everyone to tell us what they are doing right at 420. You know that take a picture of yourself everyday for 6 years idea on YouTube. This could be like that. Maybe. maybe not. It's 4:24. 120 seconds in for me. What about you? I'm moving furniture around. Something I like to do when I'm stoned.


Active Member
Waiting for work to end so I can go pick up my 1/2 oz. And lucky me, my dealer also has hash today.



Active Member
Im three hours ahead of you, but at 4:20 here I was doing some spring cleaning. Something Id rather do stoned than sober.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you what im doing at 9:02

The same thing i would be doing at 4:20 exept with out the uncontrolible giggle..


Well-Known Member
420 time for a break. I've been supervising a party video edit and found some surprising shots of me being quite the party girl.


Well-Known Member
well i was just cleanin up the house today but ive always noticed that i always happen to catch the glimpse of a clock or a watch or some time keeping device wenever its 4:20. wierd shit. maybe i just remember better at them times. who knows? i dont