45 day harvest


Active Member
I lollipoped her 2 weeks into flowering but since then she stopped growing! Also i have no money to buy any at the moment or have any left from previous grows to smoke. i wouldnt normally harvest early, but i dont think the yield will increase massivley and would also like to put my other 2 plants (both taller at 2 1/2 weeks) in seperate pots and give them more room! what do you guys think? ps, sorry for the pic with lines in it!



Well-Known Member
In every grow ive done the last 2-3 weeks have always been where the plant puts on the most weight. You can of course chop whenever you want but your really losing out by not waiting


Well-Known Member
She looks nice and almost ready. Probably another 10 days and she should be close. Why not pinch a small bud or two off the bottom to hold you over? She's going to get sticky and dense right off here. Waited this long what's another week or two?