45n timeline


Active Member
Plants are doing great at 45n here, what date should I stop topping? I remember 1st of July mentioned, the stretch should begin when and I remember plants showing pistols anywhere from aug 1st to15ish.
When should I switch from a high nitrogen to a flowering fertilizer?
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
As I understand it you should stop topping at least a week before you expect to start flowering, that way the plant recovers from the stress before there could be any negative effects. Pretty much stop before your hours of daylight drop below 14. You should switch to bloom nutes anywhere between the first day you see pistils to the second week of flowering. I personally would switch as soon as I see pistils, and I try to get topping out of the way as early as possible. If I know what area the plant will have to spread out in beforehand, I can plan ahead how many times to top to fill it, always bearing in mind that I may need to tie down a branch or two.