46days flowering can i transplant?


Well-Known Member
i'm 46days flowering and my plant has had the claw for over 2weeks which i think is due to the pot never drying out. can i transplant in a new pot with perlite in the soil?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't. Use a drill and drill holes in the bottom of your bucket to let it dry out better. The eagle claw also comes from too much nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
the bottom already has holes, should i add moreby using a large nail (dont't have drill) and put some on the sides at the very bottom (not underneath). i doubt it's N toxicity because my gurl has never had that dark green cast and since flowering i've been using neptunes harvest 2-4-1 as my fert. TY for the feedback.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't transplant that late in flowering.... you cant have that many days left... the transplant will just stunt growth and stress ..


Well-Known Member
I'd let it dry out and water it with no nutes then let it dry out again and hit it with the nutes. What strain are you running and how long is the flower time?


Well-Known Member
its a bagseed from jamaican weed and i'm growing outdoors. i put a layer of sand on the top of the soil (fungus gnats), would that prevent it from drying out underneath?


Well-Known Member
usually when the pot is too small, it dries out really fast. mine was drying out almost every day. i replanted but I was only about 10 days flowering.

i went from 3 gallon to 5 gallon and it worked out great.


Well-Known Member
Not sure. I use neem oil on the gnats and they die. I'm growing a lemon skunk from DNA and it got the eagle claw on the 4th or 5th node. It's growing fine and doesn't have it on any other nodes. I'm prolly at the 10th node now.


Well-Known Member
Just let it dry out. Transplanting into more soil/bigger pot wouldn't do any good at this point. There's not much root growth after the stretch anyway. You'd just be wasting soil. I don't even see how a transplant would help any sort of overfeeding issue personally. Maybe I'm missing something.

Just put the water can down and walk away. Leave it alone. If it's over fed right now (nitrogen claw), flush the shit out of it and again, leave it the hell alone. You didn't say what soil you're using, but if it's Miracle Gro or another time release type potting soil, flushing will only exacerbate the problem and feed even MORE nitrogen. If the soil has time release fertilizer in it, just leave it as it is, and let it dry out. Give it plain water for awhile when it does need water like someone already said.

Good luck.