48 hrs light at the end of flower


Active Member
Just a thought........

last 2-3 weeks of flower is putting on weight, swelling cyclaxes etc etc.

Our plants only grow when lights on.

What would be the effect of having light on for 2 days solid right at the end then chop?

This is one for the proper green fingered guru's, hormones and all that shit.

Woud be interesting to know.



Active Member

Apparently plants grow more in the dark. I'm no botanist but it looks likes this thread has it's ducks in a row.
Nothing like a bit of light reading on a monday morning. I got the importance of dark and it's cycles, a main issue being the transfer of sugars from root to leaf and leaf to root.

In theory then, if the lights are left on for a lengthy period at the end of a grow, the plant should send all or a lot of its leaf sugars to the roots. Which whilst not promoting any final rush of growth, will it not help 'flush' so to speak?


Well-Known Member
I turn my lighting system of on last week and resin glands go NUTS.

What should happen is after the first 18 hrs of light she will think ... Errr hang on I should be in vegy stage and energy will be pushed into reverting back to veging


Active Member
To say plants don't grow purring lights off is a lie.... when i was about 15 years old iput some seeds in a cup with a lid for some odd reason and forgot about them for about two weeks or so ....when i opened it i had about a 12" seedling.....no vegetation of course but it grew fast as hell.....either way lights off before harvest but that idea of flush with lights on might be worth checking into ???


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a bit of light reading on a monday morning. I got the importance of dark and it's cycles, a main issue being the transfer of sugars from root to leaf and leaf to root.

In theory then, if the lights are left on for a lengthy period at the end of a grow, the plant should send all or a lot of its leaf sugars to the roots. Which whilst not promoting any final rush of growth, will it not help 'flush' so to speak?
You may on to something. Needs more study that's for sure.