we have now officially entered the twilight zone.
1. yes, great idea. that way when the terrorists fly planes into our "gardens" the whole world will starve...seriously...this has got to be a troll or i want to know what you grew that made you think that even makes sense.
2 the garden of eden? you cannot be this stupid. AGRICULTURE, THATS HOW THEY ATE BEFORE WALMART FOOD CENTER WAS INVENTED...
dude, seriiously...stay in school bud. you have a long way to go...
1. jeff... think this through past step 1... A few miles high structure... what kind of base do you think would be needed for something like that? It would be the largest manmade structure. Good luck getting a plane (or even a few planes) to take down a single one. I've considered the risk/safety precautions, trust me buddy.
2. You said farming was started a couple hundred years ago... you're retarded. Farming was started a couple THOUSAND years ago, 8,000 years ago, in the Fertile Crescent. 12,000 years ago in southeast Asia...
But nevermind all of that... lets just keep fighting over all the resources..