4Da Bagseed Growers


Well-Known Member
Hey thelastpirate I like your wolf...I have a malamute/wolf hybrid he looks like you avatar anyway.. bagseed fight discussion what ever bulgaria whats up from the states!! big old dank bulgarian weed sounds good to me whats it like growing outdoors there?? bet they get big...I have grown for years back in the day you grew what ya got then the seed banks opened our eyes to quality grass and since the even the swag has goten better either through rouge cross pollenation or strait up stateside folks mix n there best to see what they come up with commercial grade seeds produce good bud high quailty when grow right, yeild is usually heavier where the dank shit from across the pond grows super good shit the yeild would be less just my exp. but I don't know much... dude that ask the question, yes if done right it will be better than the bag you boughtbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
right on its dry here need some rain, bout 80 ish here...other than the rain thing the weathers nice...its always nice when your not at work:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah I was assuming you know what a mature seed looks like.......lol oh and wow thats hot man hope you are keeping cool. past 95 I won't go outside, but I am spoiled... got to go so nice to talk to ya..I was just saying I think its ok you don't lets repesct each others diffrences and leave it at that cause we both know were right....right???have a good one cheetah2007


Well-Known Member
Kialhimself, thanx for the rep!! Just tryin' to lighten up the pissin' contest, internet DMC.

NotMine, Thanx. He's an AWESOME animal. Officially he's down as a Malamute/shepard mix, but we believe he's about as pure as it gets. I wasn't sure about him at first, thought he'd tolerate me, but he'd be the wifes animal. WRONG!!! I have never been exposed to an animal quite as smart, personable, or non-aggressive. These guys DEFINITELY have gotten a bad rap!!!

Sorry for the brief hi-jack!! (gotta brag on my dog!!!) Back to the topic!


Well-Known Member
wow you need a hug or something??? go smoke a joint of that bulgarian fire and relax Iv'e been doing this for 18 years if I would have started when my dad wanted me to I would have been growing as long as you've been alive...and I've cured more grass than you've ever seen. I'm not mad at you though...just a though alot more people grow bagseed than carmelicious or lights so everyone grow them bagseeds if its all ya got its better than nothing....cheetah2007...go get a glass of water you gotta be hot :hump: sorry cheetah no disrespect it was a joke and I hope you get some good shit in soon!!


Well-Known Member
ok man i'll listen to ur advice hahaha..... and if u wanna kno , the weed ere is not so fire, it's even crap sometimes!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah!! your dog is awsome and yes they are lovers not fighters maybe we should send cheetah a malamute pup maybe that would cheer him up? better not the dog might melt it's soooo dam'n hot. gotta go have a good one thelastpirate


Well-Known Member
Well, my first few grows were with bag seed and my first plant yielded over 1.5 oz dry.

As far as quality goes it was noticeably better than the shit it came from but now I want more and better so my latest grow is with some commercial White Widow but I'm a little disappointed in the quality of the seeds I got from Marijuana-Seeds.nl.

Out of 5 seeds all germed but 1 has some kind of genetic defect (shriveled tap root) and another just isn't growing, it germed, popped through the soil, now its just doing nothing.

Anyway, my bag seeds seem to grow well for the most part and produce much better smoke than what it came from but I know there has to be better out there.