I've sprayed em 1 time in veg with azamax
N one time in flower with some magnesium
It's not an everyday thing
I don't see how I could be possibly drowning em
If I water every 5-7 days with 14-17oz of water
I've seen overwatered plants an they usually droop and feel stiff and grow very slow and small
My problem is that my stems and some veins are purple
And the color of the leaves doesn't look spot on 2 me
(Maybe I am overwatering I'm new to this but from what I've read overwatering isn't the problem)
I'm not sure but if they were overwatered I don't think they would have got this big in 3-4 weeks
I'll take any tips you may have and see if it makes my grow better
That's why I'm here is to learn