4k watt medical


Well-Known Member
hows the bubble gum?
very stoney man :weed:. probably came out about a 7.5-10 for me.. i did better with them previous runs as far as quality i think, but i yielded real fat with them this one.. i think i hit them a little hard with the nutes towards later flower and some of the kolas were so huge and shoved together that i did get a little bit of bud rot, only on the bubblegummers. cant complain though, stoney and a good lookin bud, got a little purple with them this one thanks to the mini split


Well-Known Member
ill probably just continue this one. or should i start a new one? my veg just looks too poor to show off. give me another 3 or 4 days and ill start snapping pics an updates


Well-Known Member
Sorry I couldn't help out. When I got back from vacation my buddy killed 36 of my cuttings for my new room too
( also 4k :D). Wasn't my fault but still the first time I've have clones go out like that. Normally I'll have a 99 percent success rate. Or higher. How are those mini splits? I need a new ac unit for my room an I was gonna get a window unit and just cut a hole in the drywall. They got a 18000 btu unit for like 515$ at homedepot versus a 1800$ bill for a mini split.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm talkin about, but I see all these people with mini splits? What's the secret that makes it worth 1600$


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm talkin about, but I see all these people with mini splits? What's the secret that makes it worth 1600$
Just makes having a sealed room that much more sealed...and they are more efficient. There is no air exchange with the mini split. Even though my ac is dual hose im sure it still leaks a little bit of smell and co2 out of my room.


Well-Known Member
`100% sealed is the advantage. your using co2 right mj? if you decide that your going to for sure get a wall unit.. i know a place that sells overstock ACs and i you could probably get a wall unit for 200 bucks or less.. wall unit just didnt work well for me, and uses alot of electricity. i had it sitting out the back of my box still in the garage and it got hot as fuck in there.. my mini split sits in the back of my garage and its just a little warm.. not to mention they are as quiet as a wall fan. you can get a nice mini split for around a thousand dollars.

bummed to hear about your cloners. i was going to pm you today and try to get at a few of those. i feel like im spinning my wheels wasting electricity vegging what i got going. i have like 15 that look ok the rest look like booboos :(


Well-Known Member
vegging these sketchballs. mostly bubblegum. theres a few northern lights in there, maybe a silver or two, we will see whats ready when its time to flip. right now im vegging 18/6 under 2000watts of halide. just started giving them co2 yesterday, did a foliar spray with some b52 and some sea kelp stuff. i really have no idea how to veg i just kinda go with it, as you can tell, its not lookin so good lol. i am using sensi a&B, b52, voodoo juice, roots excell, and orca. probably going to be about another ten days until i flip to flower



Well-Known Member
i had a couple plants that turned out sketchy. some booboos. dont know what went wrong but i didnt count them in my final yield and i just gave the smoke to my helper so thats his goodies dryin


Well-Known Member
hope yu get the 10 pounds off those 4 lights again yure expecting,cheers.
going to get some more sunshine mix tomorrow and some nutes and buckets.. i have about 16 more to add to the crew then im going to veg one more week and i think should be full.. we will see, inbetween time kills


Well-Known Member
sounds great but our grows are totally opposite and methods,and yure way experienced than most of us ,i'm jus a reg ole grower havin some fun,,i'll spin by ina few months see how yure doin.rdr.


Well-Known Member
Whatever patrick is doing it's working though...no doubt about that. Definitely gonna have to kidnap his nute line up and feeding schedules...lol.