See.. That's the part that bad it even worse. I wasn't stimulated. It actually made me feel quite tired. Like a sedative should. But it was like an evil sedative. I have never felt that tense and shitty, and even though if I tried any physical activity I basically would almost collapse (for example on the second day I tried to mow the lawn, got over heated outside, only finished 3 quarters of it, and basically collapsed inside. I was so sore after that i could barely move. Also my center of balance was so fucked up for a few days. Like I would be standing there and I would literally have to grab onto something to not fall to the floor when I wasn't doing anything special. Or I would be standing and all of a sudden I would just fall over backward (IT WAS THAT SEVERE). I also have never thrown up that much in one period. (two days after) It would not stop, I thought I permanently reversed my digestive system or something. I didn't eat for three days after the experience either because I literally threw up 30 times, and it literally was the WORST NAUSEA I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED EVERY TIME I THREW UP, and I hadn't eaten so it was just green bile.. over and over. And I would just keep happening I would get a feeling of nausea so great I don't think I have ever experienced anything that horrible, and then I would deal with that for about 30 minutes and all this acid would enter my mouth like I was having extremely intense acid reflux and then I would have the most unpleasent throwing up experience. The throw up was so acidic it actually burned my mouth when it came up, and this happened AT LEAST 20 different times over the next 2-3 days after the day I did it. So basically for the 2-3 days after I did it, I didnt eat, sleep, and couldn't stop throwing up with the worst stomach pains of my life. I also was in such misery from all this that I was also very unstable at the time emotionally. You don't how many times I freaked out on my girlfriend, but she understood. It literally was MY WORST DRUG EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. It also was one of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned.. No joke. Definite life changing trip no matter what, even if it was horrible. I wouldn't live through it again, but now that I already did I'm glad it happened.