4th Grow..Nirvana BlackJack Super Scrog!!! Rep to all!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just a quick lil update. Everything in my rez in now under control. I am alternating a frozen water bottle as often as I can. This has completely stopped the algae growth and has cleared up most of it already. The root are now growing very vigorous. As for the plant it is now really hitting its vegetation growth spurt. All of the petioles are really growing great and it seems I am going to have great branching which is going to be necessary for this grow. I went ahead and added the net today. This give about a 3 inch gap between the plant and the lights for now. But I am sure she is going to be hitting the net in the next 3 to 5 day. I only took a few pics for you guys cause there really is that much to show as of right now. Tell me what you all think!! STAY HIGH!!!;-)bongsmilie:mrgreen::blsmoke:002.jpg003.jpg005.jpg004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks great Penyajo, very healthy lookin' with tight nodes.

I have one most likely stupid question. How will you maintain the rez, once you get this girl tangled and tied to the screen?


Well-Known Member
Looks great Penyajo, very healthy lookin' with tight nodes.

I have one most likely stupid question. How will you maintain the rez, once you get this girl tangled and tied to the screen?
Hey man thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words. As for your ? read the first post and I answer it for you. I have attached the scrog net completely to my rez so it is movable. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about trying that attached screen idea. Id need to figure out how to custom/DYI a lil hydro system of my own tho. I like the water farm / mega farm or whatever its called. The drip ring idea with an attached screen xD Im hitting home depot tomorrow lol


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about trying that attached screen idea. Id need to figure out how to custom/DYI a lil hydro system of my own tho. I like the water farm / mega farm or whatever its called. The drip ring idea with an attached screen xD Im hitting home depot tomorrow lol
Good luck. It isnt hard going to DYI route. Just try to stay innovative lol. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Im just unsure about air/water pumps/hoses etc etc (gotta experiment with those!), Im a carpenter by trade. I may just end up making everything out of lumber ;) (jokes...jokes..)


Well-Known Member
Im just unsure about air/water pumps/hoses etc etc (gotta experiment with those!), Im a carpenter by trade. I may just end up making everything out of lumber ;) (jokes...jokes..)
I have seen boxes made of lumber many times actually they work well. The only thing is the pl wood seems to hold alot of heat so you need to go over kill on your ventilation. As for the pump the bigger the better all the time. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
i love the diy settup. interested in seeing how it turns out. subbed
Hey thanks for stopping by my DWC grow. This ist going to be a 100% scrog grow. I would call it more a and extreme LST grow. If you want to see the method I am going to be using click on my pc grow in my signature. I am going to grow this plant the exact same way except on a much bigger scale. You won't be dessapointed if you stick around for the ride trust me on that!!! STAY HiGH!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words. As for your ? read the first post and I answer it for you. I have attached the scrog net completely to my rez so it is movable. STAY HIGH!!!
It just now clicked that the lid and screen are one. I've got 13" between my pots and screen and it seems tight to an old man like me. I'll keep watchin' your work.


Well-Known Member
It just now clicked that the lid and screen are one. I've got 13" between my pots and screen and it seems tight to an old man like me. I'll keep watchin' your work.
Yeah you are in the same predicament I was in a while back. Then I came up with this idea. That solved that issue but now I am having issues with Rez temps. I am going to be making cooler Rez here in the next few days. Anyways thanks for stopping by the thread. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear things are booming for ya. I put up some new pics of my ladies last night you should take a look if ya got a sec


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear things are booming for ya. I put up some new pics of my ladies last night you should take a look if ya got a sec
Yeah man I'll try to snag a few pica when I get home of my girl so you guys can see the growth. She is really starting to explode. The branching on her is looking great at every pediol there is a shoot. The shoots from the bottom are already about 5 in long. And I would say the girl is about 10in tall. Stopped by your thread every thing looks good keep it up. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys decided not to take pictures this afternoon and to wait until the morning. When ever I look at her in the afternoon she looks droopy and tired. But if I look at her earlier in the day she is perky as hell and she is reaching for those cfls. Well any ways when I wake up I will snag a few pics of her and a few pics of the papaya for the other thread. STAY HIGH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just a quick lil update. I have removed the screen for now. It just didnt fit on there right. I had longer legs on it and it fit fine. Now that I have cut the legs shorter it is really off. So I am going to do some work to it this weekend and get that all up and going. As for the girl she is growing very fast and healthy. The roots have really cleared up and all new growth is pearly white. I was looking at her pretty close when I took these pictures and she is already shooting out the smallest preflowers. Even when you have fem seeds I have found that this is still very exciting. As of right now I am only using 130w of daylight cfls. I still have not got around to ordering my LED. So when I switch her to 12/12 I am going to be using my 150w HPS until I can get my LED. Well that is enough yappin for tonight. I will let the pictures do the rest of the talking. STAY HIGH!!!:shock::shock::shock:006.jpg008.jpg007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Supz Penyajo :D I been checkin in on your grow, but I havent posted in awhile. That plants looks gorgeous man! Nice shade of green. Leaves all firm and healthy. I love the side shot...looks like you have plenty of compact nodes thrown in there as well ;) Excited for ya!


Well-Known Member
Supz Penyajo :D I been checkin in on your grow, but I havent posted in awhile. That plants looks gorgeous man! Nice shade of green. Leaves all firm and healthy. I love the side shot...looks like you have plenty of compact nodes thrown in there as well ;) Excited for ya!
Hey minz. Long time no talk. Thanks for stopping by. By the way man your shit turned out looking great hahahaha KIRBY KUSH I love it lol. Yeah my girl is coming along isn't she. I am still doing the frozen water bottle trick to keep my Rez temps down other than that it is all good. I know your not a soil or a cfl guy but swing by my papaya PC grow in my signature. She is almost done and is turning red on the leaves. Any ways thbaks for stopping by. STAY HIGH!!!!