Sorry everybody I can't edit the list post anymore...
Chroni that first picture all those hairs look brown??? already I don't even see many white hairs, when did you plant that thing? (rhetorical ?) 9 weeks ago today. lol it says on the cup
Well the seed (MK Ultra) I got came from my room-mate so I felt compelled to split the plant with him and promised 1/2 of it away when he originally gave me the seed. That was me 5 months ago thinking the MK Ultra wasn't gonna produce squat...but I kept the 7 gram top and he got the rest a little over 7 grams, Its almost all gone already she was really piney tasting and was burnt mostly in doobie form, I'll always remember my 16oz. party cup grow and even if I don't get first place I had fun thanks for the challenge everybody, and thanks R.I.U.
It was swell competing against ya, even if you're a bloody rodent-like creature, native of the planet Tatooine.
Let us know how your MK Ultra is like, effect-wise. Is it as "powerful" as the strain is billed?
I'm pretty familiar with the Dr. Atomic AL strain, having grown it out a number of times already. So the taste and effect of this pheno of the strain are well known by me. This pheno is classic NL#5 effect, a strong Indica that'll macrame your ass to the couch for a couple of hours. For me, its a night time strain, due to its sleepiness factor. Its funny, the two distinct phenos that pop from this strain are like night and day different...with the other pheno having WAY more Sativa influence, from it leaning toward the Love Potion #1 side of its parentage. But, for this comp, I'm glad I got the NL-leaning pheno, as its the one that has the sexy colouring late in flowering. I've got at least 2 strains that colour insanely in the makes for very eye-appealing finishing flowers!
My party cup was the last hurrah of the strain for a while, though, as I have a bunch of new strains I got from Shanti recently, and I'm excited to get cracking on them, and only have so much room in the tent.
This comp has forever changed how I view party cups, and I'm continuing to use some with my newest strains, so I can see what they're like without devoting much space and soil to them. Hell, if I can get 1/2 oz from one party cup 12/12 f.s., I'd imagine with a couple of weeks of proper vegging, those cups could really yield a bit! Could I do 1oz per cup, with a couple of weeks of vegging? Makes me think...
Thanks all, for the memories!