4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

here she is. Cleaned up pretty nice. Those brown leaves made it look ugly before. turned out pretty frosty. got a nice fat bowl of scissor hash. Smells a like bubble gum with a little citrus over tones . Definitely could have gone longer...

View attachment 3170372 View attachment 3170373

Should have photoshopped like chroni^^^....................

come sit down with Red and I...........chroni can move up to the front row now, love the coloring IF it's real:mrgreen:
Should have photoshopped like chroni^^^....................

come sit down with Red and I...........chroni can move up to the front row now, love the coloring IF it's real:mrgreen:

don't know if photo shop would help lol. I have the same shitty camera. If I take pics under the ig. They come out better. The ig acts as a super flash. Plus I have an app that improves focusing. Then cropping helps to zoom in more clearly than actually zooming in with the camera. I got the next comp in the bag. I'm doing 9lb hammer for the next comp. I have 8 seeds. I'll sprout 3.
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Fancy photo shop chron. Taking class for that i see... Cough sarcasm caugh

hehe...yeah although i did miss one lesson ...but i got a note from your mum so i didnt get in that much trouble... ;)

Should have photoshopped like chroni^^^....................

come sit down with Red and I...........chroni can move up to the front row now, love the coloring IF it's real:mrgreen:

Front row even....wow...i farted on that back row seat by the way

So stepz i took for photos:

1) Placed bud in light box
2) Light source for shoot: ever wondered what happened to those flood lightz i used to use...therez your answer (does this mean i am disqualified because i used another light source...? :) )
3) took photos...used photoshop for getting rid of background (white) and a little constrast/brightness...no colourz changed. you can tell because the green is still green...i dont know how to isolate colours...just basic crap...

tried to show this beauty for itz true colourz...

I should have put 'jennifer lo-pez-dispenser' on instead of my user name....middle row of seatz now....
hehe...yeah although i did miss one lesson ...but i got a note from your mum so i didnt get in that much trouble... ;)

Front row even....wow...i farted on that back row seat by the way

So stepz i took for photos:

1) Placed bud in light box
2) Light source for shoot: ever wondered what happened to those flood lightz i used to use...therez your answer (does this mean i am disqualified because i used another light source...? :) )
3) took photos...used photoshop for getting rid of background (white) and a little constrast/brightness...no colourz changed. you can tell because the green is still green...i dont know how to isolate colours...just basic crap...

tried to show this beauty for itz true colourz...

I should have put 'jennifer lo-pez-dispenser' on instead of my user name....middle row of seatz now....

You can isolate colors using selective color which can be found in the layers panel in the adjustment layers tab, it looks like a circle with half white and half black. This will allow you to adjust the hues of any color in the image. Be careful if you adjust the color too much you can really pixelate and jack up your image. That is a quick and dirty way to do it, there are more serious ways to do it, but those are my trade secrets LOL.
You can isolate colors using selective color which can be found in the layers panel in the adjustment layers tab, it looks like a circle with half white and half black. This will allow you to adjust the hues of any color in the image. Be careful if you adjust the color too much you can really pixelate and jack up your image. That is a quick and dirty way to do it, there are more serious ways to do it, but those are my trade secrets LOL.
Hahaha..thankz Gatorade...new career path in colour manipulation in party cup compz..i see my future.. ;-)
You can isolate colors using selective color which can be found in the layers panel in the adjustment layers tab, it looks like a circle with half white and half black. This will allow you to adjust the hues of any color in the image. Be careful if you adjust the color too much you can really pixelate and jack up your image. That is a quick and dirty way to do it, there are more serious ways to do it, but those are my trade secrets LOL.
Dang Gator where were you a month or so ago with that info...before I posted those pictures of my girl non photo"crooked"
dry already chron. That's pretty quick. Mine is still hanging.

Yeah bruv. 3 daze hanging for scale pix ...(chopped monday night) 2 daze hanging for the harvest pix. They dont take much to dry being little thingz...and it had pretty much trimmed itself when i chopped...