Well-Known Member
Haha you said two girls one cup
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Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app
It is mixed in noob. Makes great mulch too. Any other brain busters?
Yeah I've been sticking to that once a day water rule but, decided to see what skipping a day would amount to... however I will say I saw some pretty amazing growth after skipping a day of water and then giving it water again. Man that next day the plant seemingly doubled in size. I'm seeing some serious competition starting to crop up, good luck to all and happy growing!
My runt had four waterings in 5 weeks! What an easy victory.
thats no bueno. mine have to be watered every other day,
I found that as well, as soon as they hit 3 weeks she's drying up the soil in 36 - 48 hrs, thinking Red is just throwing out some curves/b-shit, if not he may as well throw in the towel now...
I dropped her and bent her stem early on. She's stunted, as you can tell by her 5 week pic, and I'm keeping her alive in hopes of a default win. I'll need a miracle.
Ouch too bad bro, hadn't caught that earlier. Don't give up, you never know, my best plant last grow was one that had a fan fall on it (my bad, didn't secure it well enough), it "super-cropped" 2 branches by mistake but it bounced back like a trooper and ended up bigger/stronger than the others I was running it with. Of course this 12/12 thing doesn't have a lot of room for forgiveness but as you say, just hanging in for the default spot in the top 5 is not out of the question the way folks keep dropping out. Some strong runners though, good luck...I dropped her and bent her stem early on. She's stunted, as you can tell by her 5 week pic, and I'm keeping her alive in hopes of a default win. I'll need a miracle.
She's stunted, as you can tell by her 5 week pic, and I'm keeping her alive in hopes of a default win. I'll need a miracle.
What you need to do is water more, your torturing that girl man... barely giveing her enough water to live, brakeing and bending her so, dropping her! your supposed to nurture and care for your plants not maime, deprive, and destroy them?!?I feel sorry for your plants man 4 waterings in 5 weeks sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.
Come on Red, get with the Game![]()