4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

Yes the like button!:-) on another note the new site is a complete clusterfuck on my phone.....will update today

How's the pic uploading guys? Better?
Sort of, only work-around I've found so far is to reduce the size of the pics to under 1Mb, then use the "file upload" function instead of the pic uploader. Works, just a pain in the _ss. It'll be another few days before they get everything functional. But yes, the like button is back, and the site look & feel is not bad, doesn't help my growing skills any... but it looks better ;)
Sort of, only work-around I've found so far is to reduce the size of the pics to under 1Mb, then use the "file upload" function instead of the pic uploader. Works, just a pain in the _ss. It'll be another few days before they get everything functional. But yes, the like button is back, and the site look & feel is not bad, doesn't help my growing skills any... but it looks better ;)

How the hell do reduce your pic mb????...........well it looks like I'm not updating until I figure out how to upload:(
How the hell do reduce your pic mb????...........well it looks like I'm not updating until I figure out how to upload:(

I'm in computer shit so I have 10 different ways and a program called SNAGit that can do it in batches. But there is a simple/free version in Windows that can do it easily enough for one-of's, Windows Live Photo Gallery. Open it and go to the folder with your pics, open any pic you want to reduce in size, when the pic is open, look for an option called "Properties" on the menu bar, drop down to the "Resize" option. Select the "Large 1280" size, then click the "Resize and Save" option.

That'll re-size it and create the same file name, with the dimensions in brackets so it's easy enough to figure out which one it is. Just tested it and it took a 5.5 Mb high res pic down to 850 kb, you'll loose some quality for high-res pics but it's acceptable for now. Hopefully they'll sort it out soon. I suggested they plug in an automated tool to reduce any attachments to within the limits, can't see doing this shit for long but it's about the only option right now, they should be able to automate it.

Other thing I found out in the support forum is they have a 5Mb limit on the regular attachments, going to try that when I get a minute but I'm pretty sure I tried a file around 3.5 Mb earlier and the pic uploader screwed up on that one so I'm pretty sure the only option right now is being lucky as shit with whatever software/browser combo you're using, or use the File upload option.
Thanks for the info groerr!!..........................too complicated for me, will just wait it out till the basic uploader works again................or get disqualified:P
Ha, know what you mean, hopefully they'll get their shit together soon, I'm sure we'll cut some slack for the non-computer-nerds in here ;)
Thanks for the info groerr!!..........................too complicated for me, will just wait it out till the basic uploader works again................or get disqualified:P
do you have a computer? Irfanview is a simplified free software that can do it. You basically change the size of the pic to make it a smaller file size. Its not like music .wav to mp3. I can't upload pics from my windows phone. They haven't fixed that ever. I have to use a PC. I'm sure everyone here gets some extra time to post considering.... I'm sure alot of people don't know riu is back up.
Hey freaks!

I too am having probs uploading pictures on my phone with the new site. Will try to get mine up tonite when I get to a computer.

Here's my entry. Flower is filling up. I ended up clipping a few of the tips of the dead fan leaves...they were looking a little unsightly. Sigh. Its too bad, as I'm noticing some of the colouring starting on some of the leaves. This pheno of the strain has some dark finishing colours if night time temps are lower...dark purples and nearly black hues. Its an interesting strain.
The site did seem like a cluster fuck on the desktop version just a little bit, but mobile is finally working and it seems to be the shiznit ;) again.

Here is my update. This stinky Bitch is waking me up in the mornings whispering-
"first placeee, first placeee!"
Lol she is looking good. Drinking twice as much now as in the last couple weeks it seems like but I'm okay with that. She's gettin pretty thick!

Edit- can't upload pics on the mobile version yet.
You go through the process of picking the picture but then your only option is "cancel" . I'm gonna post them on the full site now

Edit- can't upload pics off the full site either.. Needs an image url, why can't I just upload from my gallery? Sucks:joint:
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The site is back up. Here's my weekend update!

Taxes really sucked this year so I'm pissed off; and that's my update [pics to follow]


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Here is my update. This stinky Bitch is waking me up in the mornings whispering-
"first placeee, first placeee!"
Lol she is looking good. Drinking twice as much now as in the last couple weeks it seems like but I'm okay with that. She's gettin pretty thick!

Pic's or its not true...LOL
My Champion Cupdate.

Jillybean x Mulanjie Gold - Mohican Genetics


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I was simply asking a serious question. Didn't want to join in and then here come the administration jumping down my throat. Lord knows I don't need any other warnings. lol. Here's another competitive, no judging, 8 week veg side by side if anyone's interested.https://www.rollitup.org/p/10390124/
This contest is endorsed by everyone who has entered it, anyone who don't like it can roll it up and roll on out.
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"weekend" update on my lone PPP bitch................now that redmuncher is out, she seems to have lost her vigor to win:p


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The new site will take some getting used too but so far no complaints..maybe,too much white,looks generic.Anyways.......
Update 12 day 77...
Photo04080814_1.jpg Photo04080814.jpg ...she's trying too hang!....lol
Do we all have better non-comp cups growing...or just me??
Photo04080816.jpgPhoto04080815-1.jpg These two are my small ones too!


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