4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?


Active Member
Im at the 4th week of flowering, smells very little so far. I did 60 days in veg. Trying to post some pics lets see how that goes!
Anyone tell what type it is by looking? I am trying my best to hurry it up, when do you think the soonest I could yield anything?


New Member
Wow, that's a long time in veg! But . . . They look good for a 4th week flower of a sativa dominant strain and they won't smell a lot until a little down the line for most strains (we're talking generic Sativa plant here). Sativa strains are usually ready in 10-13 weeks so that means you've got 6 weeks to 2 months to finish. Really though you should be proud of getting them this far and in good shape.


Active Member
So sativa's take months longer to finish then indi's? That plant looks like it is healthy but the yield is very low. Is that normal? Would mor elight help? I would send you more fixtures and bulbs if that would help. I am 1 week into flowering and my plant has like 10 times as much bud so far. I believe mine is an indica. I vegd for 1 month. Could he have out veg'd his lighting?


Well-Known Member
So sativa's take months longer to finish then indi's? That plant looks like it is healthy but the yield is very low. Is that normal? Would mor elight help? I would send you more fixtures and bulbs if that would help. I am 1 week into flowering and my plant has like 10 times as much bud so far. I believe mine is an indica. I vegd for 1 month. Could he have out veg'd his lighting?
Standard cfl's dont have enough light penatration for a large plant, anything over 20'' wouldent really do well you'de need more juice like a couple 105 watt 6,900 lumen bulbs compared to the 23 watt 1,600 lumen bulbs.


New Member
Sativa will always take longer than Indica. No comparison can be made as most profuse flowering happen in the last weeks. You're doing fine. It just takes sativa's a long time to flower compared to indica. More light always helps. The sun has about 10000 lumens per square foot on a sunny day. You can compensate for the lack of light depth from CFL's by placing them closer to the plant and along the side fo the plant.


Active Member
Sativa will always take longer than Indica. No comparison can be made as most profuse flowering happen in the last weeks. You're doing fine. It just takes sativa's a long time to flower compared to indica. More light always helps. The sun has about 10000 lumens per square foot on a sunny day. You can compensate for the lack of light depth from CFL's by placing them closer to the plant and along the side fo the plant.

Nice Info, thanks! Yeah the lights are placed along the sides and up top. Gets pretty hot act gotta have a fan in there. Does the yield look weak so far? What would it be like if it was pulled/harvested on the 7th week, would I get anything?


New Member
Fans are good in general. At this stage it's just hard to tell on yield. You have plenty of bud sites and sativa matures late. Keep those CFL really close to the plant. I doubt that you would get much at week 7. The last 2-3 weeks are critical to bud and potentcy. Think of your plant as a pre-teen right now. She need to mature into full womanhood before you cut.


Active Member
Yea I know I need to wait or else it will feel like a failure, but damn is it hard to sit there and watch it grow. You just wanna pick it, but I do want something that is smokeable and good, so I got to give her time..
Do you think I would have been further along now if I hadnt vegged as long?


Active Member
another thing! Is there anything anyone can recemmend to hurry up the process? (If it is possible) I can add more CFL's if that helps, but it gets so hot already with a good fan that I am worried about adding more light/heat. ANY help I would be grateful for! Much thanks to MostlyCrazy for giving me all the good info, man I f knew what you knew I wouldnt need to come here for the help! Thanks man! NE wayz....Whatcha think?


New Member
Not much you can do unfortunately. The plants come with almost built in time clocks when it comes to when they finish. Post some picks as they grow. I veg mine for about 60 days also ( take clones from the mother before I switch to 12/12 - they veg as long as it takes for their mothers to finish and then I repeat the cycle). Long vegging give you a more mature plant with more bud sites and if you are growing a small amount of plants then that is what you want. There are many styles to growing and that is just mine. Have some extra clones I'll be putting in Hempy buckets (perlite and vermiculite in a standard 12" planter) that I will hand water every couple of day. Just a fun experiment. I know you are anxious but the wait will be worth it. Your plant look very good for this state of developement. Just learn as you go. If you want some shorter flowing plants get indica strains. Was this bag seed? Around here all the weed is combo sativa/indica with a heavy lean on the sativa part. Probably the mexican weed from last years harvest. I you need a good seed place check out the thread under Marijuana Forum at the top. They like Attitude seeds and I like this -


You can buy single seeds and see what works best for you.
